Never Give Up

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Hermione was at a point in her life now, where she was on the run from Death Eaters and Snatchers. She constantly lived her life in fear. Every time a twig snapped, her heart leapt out of her chest and a firm grip was held around her wand at all times. The past couple of months, her and her two best friends hid out in any open forest area. They travelled by foot around England. Hoping sometime soon, the next Horcrux would hit. Then they would be one step closer to defeating Voldemort.

But at this moment in time, Hermione took her turn on watch. She guarded the tent under the stars. She didn't doubt her protective enchantments at all, but she would rather be safe than sorry. She was sheltered by the warmth of the fire, that battled the brittle cold air around her. The thick grey smoke billowed into the skies above. The once clear blue night sky is now shielded by a veil of darkness. Gusts of the autumn breeze, fanned the fire into a rage.

The fire flicked lightly in the fireplace of Severus' private rooms. The couple sat on the couch comfortably admiring each other's presence. Severus was sat on one end of the couch reading the potions book, Hermione gave him for Christmas. Whilst Hermione was annotating Ron and Harry's homework for the week. Sheets of parchment and books scattered her surroundings.

Severus voice extinguished the quiet between them. "Them boys take you for granted, you know." He stated no looking up from his novel.

Hermione continued to scribble her ink across the parchment. "No they don't. They would be lost without me." A smile crept on her face, as the thought of her great mind finally being put to good use.

The man wasn't impressed of how Hermione wasted her time, with others homework. Especially ones who took advantage of her abilities. "Its seems to me that Potter and Weasley will both be getting fails." He said this to mostly wined her up, with a smirk visiable.

Hermione wasn't impressed at all. She knew they was easily an acceptable grade. "Please don't fail them, Severus. For me..." She faced him and begged.

"I would do anything for you, my little know it all." Severus leaned down and captured his lips with hers. His book and her work was soon forgotten about, as they got caught up in the lust for each other.

Hermiones mind usually revisited past memories like this. More so, when she was by herself. Having nothing else to do than think about things. She was tired of feeling so hurt and lost over this man. His betrayal hit her hard. She couldn't help but continue to long for his protective embrace. How happy she felt when she was in his arms.

Hermione glanced down at the marauders map in her hands. She watched as Severus appeared pacing in the headmaster's office. He did this more times than she cared to admit. Her eyes travelled back up to the night sky. Trying to wonder what he was feeling at that moment. If he was thinking of her, that way she was thinking of him.


As expected snow covered the grounds of Godrics Hollow, like it did every year. It was Christmas Eve and Severus apparated into the small village. He entered through the rusty old gate and walked over to his destination. Before he reached Lily's grave however, he noticed two figures already standing there. He recognised them straight away. It was Hermione and Harry.

He retired behind a shadowy tree and watched as they comforted each other. It should've been him wiping Hermione's tears away. He continued to observed the scene, of how he was losing the love of his life to a Potter boy again. All because of his stupid loyalty towards the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He felt his temper rising and the growing of jealously within him.

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