Dreaded encounter ☘

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I stared at the ticking clock and realized that is how my life is right now, ticking towards the end

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I stared at the ticking clock and realized that is how my life is right now, ticking towards the end. My condition was worsening, I had blindness sometimes and sometimes my whole body went numb. My nose bleeding happened at the most abrupt timing and sometimes I struggled even to speak and form proper words.

But that was not that troubled me what made me mad and miserable was the fact that Jeremy was not ready to give up. No matter what I did to make him believe that I hate him nothing mattered to him anymore. He was not leaving me and I shouldn't feel this way but that made me happy deep down.

Sam said I needed to tell the truth and let him decided but it scared me to see him break while I was still alive. But some part of me knew, it was too late now.

I was hiding out in a house which apparently belonged to Jack's ring buddy. They met as opponents but became friends. I have never seen the friend come home so I just stayed her. Jack started working at a diner which doesn't require applications and stuff so they didn't know what his background was and I had some idea who helped him get that job.

The clock struck seven and I knew that by this time Sam would come with some message or flowers or something nice as a mediator between me and Jeremy who still didn't know where I was hiding. I was terrified to face because last time I did, his kiss dissolved all my thoughts and I came to a realisation that I weak against him. My feelings were too strong and my mind listened to my heart.

On cue, there was a door knock and I opened it. The breath left my body as I saw Reggie and one other guy standing there. Panic build inside me and I staggered back. How did he find out?

"I missed you, Reen, you managed to escape last time but not this time." He said and caught hold of my wrist and started dragging me away.

I gripped the nearest possible thing to stop from being dragged off and looked for something to hit him.

"You think you can stop me from doing this? " He snarled, "Ma and Pops want to see you."

"Reggie, why are you doing this?" I was crying, unfortunately.

"Because I am family Reen." 

His smile was sinister and it made me recoil in fear.

"Kill me now then," I said.

"You made my parents rot in jail and I had to face so much trouble because you ran away that night Reen, it's time you paid us back. You are going to be our little breadwinner now. I will sell you to the highest paying mob boss." He said with utter hatred in his voice.

"You scum leave her or I will shoot you now." Jack's voice resonated with power.

"Jack, my dear Jack. How is Sam?" He threatened not leaving my hand.

And Jack shot the friend Reggie brought along.  I looked terrified at what just happened. Jack just killed a person and I was getting helpless by passing second.

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