Let It Be Christmas

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Let It Be Christmas

24th Decmeber    (Hudson, Ryan and Noah are 8 weeks old)

Izzy's POV

"Go back to sleep Baby, I'll get him." Dec whispered in my ear when I groaned, I have only been back to bed since I fed and resettled Noah into his bassinet, I feel like a zombie and have been for the last four weeks since bringing the boys home. This time it sounds like Ryan wailing his head off, as troublesome as Hudson was while still in my belly, he seems to be the only one that can sleep through that much noise. It's also one reason why Dec and I need to find a house for us, I feel so bad that we are keeping everyone awake, poor Nicky is looking hald dead most the time as well, but the help is great.

"Love you." I mumbled and buried my head further into my pillow, I felt Dec move closer to me and I felt his lips softly kiss my exposed forehead, I had pulled the sheet right over me, no blankets needed, it was way too hot for that. 

"Love you too." he whispered and then I felt his body leave the bed and his foot steps making their way to the door and then disappearing down the hall. Kissing is the closest Dec and I have managed to do since coming home as well, shit, I think the last time we had sex was in August, five months ago, and I miss it, I miss being that close to him. One a good note, it is the best form of birth control, could you imagine if I were to get knocked up before the triplets turned one, I'd probably need to be admitted for going crazy and I'd never know what sleep was ever again.

"Baby, wake up." I groaned when I heard Dec, he was shaking me lightly, I rolled over and fluttered my eyes open reluctantly, he's lucky he's holding Hudson otherwise I would have knocked him out, I am pretty sure I just closed my eyes.

"Go away, I just got to sleep." I grumbled and curled up on my left side, I heard him chuckle and whisper something to his son.

"Baby, it's time to get up, you've been alseep for almost five hours and it's lunch time." Dec chuckled and sat down on the edge of the bed, my eyes widened and I sat up quickly, Dec had Hudson sitting on his lap, Hud was chewing on his fingers. I yawned and turned to notice that it was almost midday, fuck, that sleep didn't even feel like I had my eyes shut for a minute, and the worst thing, I still feel tired.

"What time are we leaving?" I asked him as I stretched, best get out and have a quick shower and get the boys stuff ready, we are headed to Mum and Dads shack for the first time since that night we were last there. Dad had the place rebuilt and had a few extra rooms added for the growing family, Helen and David still live there, so it'll be great to catch up with them again. The only thing that is making me feel sick is the reminder of what happened there, I still have nightmares of Mitchell's face being splattered over mine.

"In an hour, your Mum and Dad have gone to pick up Cade, Annabelle and Mia from the airport and they should be back soon." he smiled and I frowned, who's been here helping him with the boys, Nanna has gone on some oldies trip with her friends, and where's Ryan and Noah.

"Babe, they're fine, Nick and Lani have them down stairs." he grinned and held out Hudson for me, I smiled and reached for my baby boy, his hair is much longer now and it's sticking up in every direction, and has grown so much, he's so cute. Losing sleep is so worth it with my little guys, I'd do anything for them, and it's the best feeling in the world being a Mummy, I love it.

"Hi baby, how's my little cute boy." I cooed to Hudson as I lifted him up to my face, his mouth was open and his face was close enough to mine and it felt like he was giving me kisses, but with extra slobber. I chuckled when I felt his small mouth trying to suck on my cheek, someone must be getting hungry, and he's making the cutest sound.

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