Field Report 6: Disdain is Only as Intense as Similarity

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In the Sundenvorg complex, life was going normal as usual, the same noise, same moods, same behaviors, everything felt the same when it came to living in there. The only difference is that it was sunset, nothing else or more. After all, it's been going on peacefully, no trace of war at hand at all.

But in most cases...such things can't be certain for too long.

Back in the tower, Xavier was still in his desk, working patiently with every paper and document he's been given, looking carefully to each one while signing each of them, with varying answers and such. When he needed a brief relaxation with his hands, he will often wiggle his most affected hand in the temple of his head and so forth. It didn't mattered if it was the left or right one, he can handle the two just fine. For him, that was a perfect mantra needed in relaxation.

Uwarika, one his bodyguards, was present with him in the same room like usual until she was given a new order.

But Clover was absent.

It's something unusual from a bodyguard to be absent.

Does it matter though?

After some moments of silent writing, Uwarika leaned near his boss, maybe she needs something.

"They say that a real man can only be a victor if they put aside what's grieving them inside. Without the grievance, every obstacle then becomes a straighter line than it should be."

"Yes indeed."

"And of course you know the other type that shouldn't be trusted or cared for at all. Such presence of these ones in our planet serve nothing more but a catalyst of all that's wrong with everything else, pure profound detriment to what's our progress in this world."

"I may...accept such advice."

Uwarika remained silent this time, with a narrowed an eyesight targeted upon him. Maybe not the wisest action to take.

"Then if you know it...then you're on the path of being a victor."

"But what can fate hold upon the victors though?"

"Hmm, you seem to be apprehensive of who knows to stop you. But I can assure that in the time, the true deciders of fate will eventually come, ready to fulfil a truly fair judgment."

Even with all the supposed menace she's presenting, Xavier keeps his composure focused on what needs to be worked on. A normal guy wouldn't resist even the slight hint of anger from someone. But Xavier is not one the same.

"...It is, truly." He replied back.

Then, a high-pitched noise could be heard near his desk, which he then proceeds to press the button to answer to the guard door.

"Xavier speaking."

"Sir, the philanthropist Benjamin Ford is here now. He seems very prepared in meeting you for his next project."

"Good. He can come in."

The door opened, in which the man came in. Benjamin has a balding hair but without any noticeable wrinkles around him or any sign of aging. He had brown eyes and an average body build. He walked right straightly to his desk, without any sigh of discomfort or something similar.

"Mr Fabriziano."

"Mr Ford."

"Never expected the day I could met the head of this wonderful project you're creating. Millions of lives to rebuild and start anew, truly a chance for a living."

"A mouth like that might be a good reason why you get the payment of everyday's works it seems."

Ford could only chuckle for a bit in a light-heartedly way.

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