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It was Tuesday I and taehyung as we plan we are going shopping .

Taehyung was my childhood friend
And also the one who protect me.
Back when we are in grade 4 some of the student bullied me they always put a paper in my back that say's “My name is Poop” And they called me The piggy Nerdy , piggy because im fat and Nerdy because i always wear a pair of Big eyeglasses and there is taehyung who have always a strength to fight and tell the teacher about what student do to me

We also Go to the sea side to watch the sunset .

even we both seems buzy in our own work now we make time for our bonding

“You seems preoccupied. What are you thinking about?”Taehyung ask while he was driving he still care in me. Im very lucky to have tae in my life

I remember something like it pops in my mind

“hmm do you remember the kiddo we meet in the bowling court back then in our hometown”i ask

“Ah The kiddo who always make fun of your height.”Yeah he really remember it

“Yes! Did you say that to insult me too. remember im older than you. in month”i said to him

“But im right hahaha”And he really enjoy it.

“Don't talk to me ok.”and close my eyes.

I think we are in the mall i open my eyes
taehyung's eyes and mine meet i cant breath why? My heart pound a little faster? What's happening?

“Ah I just about to wake you up because ---”

“I told you not to talk to me.” i open the car door and i walk straight in to the entrance without looking back to tae . i dont know what was just happened

“Hey can you just wait for me?” And grab my wrist why does they always grab my wrist .

I can't stay a cold treatment to tae he always know my weakness.

“Where's taehyung? That brat he said he'll be quick”talking to myself After a long tour in the mall we stop in a resto  taehyung left me here a while ago he said he will meet a friend but it will not be to long .

I Tour my eyes and end up with in the another resturant infront of the one where we are. So there he is a group of boys? I never knew he have new friends .

After some talks he left so i face in the other side as if i dont know where he is hehe

“So who are they?”i ask him directly

“I told you my friend.”and sit and eat the food he order.

The guy it seems i've seen him.

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