Chapter 1 Think of me

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My name is Christian Daaé, I was born December 25, 1854, and I am 21 years old.

I have just arrived in Paris from Roussillon. My mother has died from pneumonia and so I am going to work for my father at the opera house. He is a musician in the orchestra and I am going to be an actor there.

My father and I are riding in a carriage from his house towards the opera. He finally speaks to break the silence. "I am glad you decided to come work with me at the Opera. I know your mother's death must be as hard on you as it is on me, but we can get through this," my father calmly said with slightly watery eyes.

I lifted my head to meet my father's gaze. With a softened voice I said, "I know we can. It's just going to be something I'll have to get used to." I then looked around and with a happier tone I said, "But I know working here is going to be a fun adventure."

As the carriage comes to a halt, I take a deep breathe as I know my life is about to change. I am both filled with fear and excitement. I walk besides my father towards the opera's entrance. When I step inside I am marveled by the beauty of the theater. I separate from my father as I walk, taking it all in.

I am then startled as a unfamiliar voice greets me. "Hi there," the voice sweetly exclaims. When I turn around I am greeted by a fair lady with long blond locks of hair, which cascaded down to her waist. She was wearing a large white bow, tying the front strands of her hair back. "I saw the carriage pull up and I was curious who was in it," she said while smiling. "My name is Meg, and you are . . ." she trailed off as she eyed me up and down.

"I'm Christian. You might know my father, Victor Daaé? He's a musician in the orchestra here," I responded warily. "I'm going to be working here as an actor in the opera."

Suddenly, her eyes opened wide with glee. "That's awesome! We are going to become great friends, I can already tell," she cheerfully shouted as she spun. Her kindness made me relax from her abrupt introduction.

We both turned around as a approaching voice sternly yelled from the distance. "Meg, there you are! I have been looking for you everywhere." The woman stopped in her footsteps as she noticed me. "And who might you be?" she inquired harshly, raising her eyebrow.

I gulped and my voiced wavered as I responded, "I-um, my name is Christian. I am-", she cut me off and her posture changed from stern to welcoming. "Of course, how could I forget," she said as she jokingly hit her head with her palm. "Welcome to the Palais Garnier!" she exclaimed opening her arms. She then quickly turned hard faced and pointed at us, "no fooling around Meg, and that includes you too Christian. You can make friends but we still have work to do. Since you are new you have a lot of catching up to do. Your first rehearsal will be tonight at 8 pm sharp. Meg I expect to see you there also." She eyed both of us before turning and walking away.

~a month later~

Before my first performance, I was nervous as I had never been in front of over a thousand people before. However, once I stepped on stage I was no longer nervous but instead filled with a rush of electricity. I performed to the best of my ability, and according to the crowd's reaction I was good, especially for my first time.

As I exited the stage, Meg rushed towards me and gave me a tight hug. "You were amazing! I've never seen someone perform that good for their first time before," she cheered. I hugged her back and let out a chuckle. "Thank you. But I wouldn't have been able to do so without your encouragement," I said as I hugged her tighter.

After talking with some of the other actors and actresses, I headed towards my dressing room. When I got inside, the first thing I did was sit down to calm myself from the rush the stage brought. It was then that I heard a mysterious sing out to me . It sounded similar to the one I hear in my dreams. The voice was deep but beautiful at the same time. The candles in the room blew out one by one and a chill went up my spine.

"Flattering child, you shall know me. See why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror. I am there inside," the voice sang. I turned my head towards the mirror in the back of the room. As I got closer a figure started to appear.

I was entranced my his song. I sang back, "Angel of music, guide and guardian, grant to me your glory. Angel of music, hide no longer. Come to me, strange Angel." Looking closer into the mirror a man became completely visible. He wore a suit and slicked back hair. The peculiar thing about him was the white mask that hid half of his face.

The mysterious stranger reached his hand through the mirror, as if it was an illusion. Taking his hand, he continued his song, "I am your Angel of Music. Come to the angel of music..." He took my hand, and started to pull me towards and through the mirror. I did not resist as his words were enchanting. As I took my last step, the stranger sang his last line. "I am your Angel of Music. Come to the angel of music..."

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