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Kristin POV

I found myself traveling with the guardians much longer than father expected. Only because it takes time to flush out a rat. Months to be exact. Peter and I we were a little more than friendly. I still shared his room and my thing now even had a drawer. Krag was expected again soon with some more of my things while my father played the part of having a missing daughter.

I'd never been to Xandar for multiple reasons. The main one being that my father wasn't welcome on such a planet due to his exile and reputation. At least to my knowledge. The ship landed, my eyes scanning the different spieces from afar as I slowly walked off the ship.

"I'll go see the nova corp." Rocket stated as he already started walking off. "Considering the Yondu thing, maybe it isn't best for her to be seen by them."

"No offense taken." I mumbled softly as Groot tugged on my pant leg. A smile crept across my lips as I picked him up and handed him to Gamora.

"I'll show her around, you guys go ahead." Peter gave a nod to the others before we started our tour so to speak. My eyes were too busy examining each and everything that I had never seen before. "I spent a lot of time here once I abandoned Yondu and his crew."

"Mmm that reminds me to finish our conversation. Why did my father take you from earth?" Peter shrugged as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "He never told you why he didn't deliver you to whom ever?"

"No. He always told me he kept me around because I was small, I could get into places others couldn't. Perfect for thievin'" That sounded like my father, but then again his intentions didn't fit the story. Though my father had a hard outer shell he was nice on the inside. "How come you stayed on earth for so long?"

"My mother wanted me to grow up normal, but we spend a lot of time moving around and well during the summers Yondu would come get me for a few days here and there. He'd show me parts of the galaxy he found interesting. Yet I lived anything but normal life." I scoffed and crossed my arms. "I got into a lot of fights and whenever I got angry my eyes would melt my contacts. It came to the point where my mother just had to home school me."

"Did you have a boyfriend on earth?" I glanced to him, his cheeks a shade of pink and a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"I had a few, but obviously knowing that I'm not all human stopped me from ever really settling down." Those were memories I tried to forget more than any others. I stopped and looked out from the bridge, a fountain like structure was crowded with people.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit a touchy subject." He placed his hands on the railing and I placed one of mine over one of his, giving it a squeeze.

"It's okay. I'm just glad I'm off earth." There was silence for a moment before he tugged me along, not letting go of my hand.

"Come on, I've got something worth showing you." I followed along side our fingers laced together as we got closer to the ship then past it to a nearby bridge. "All this was rebuilt recently. We saved it from a guy named Ronan the destroyer." I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Wow what a amazing villain name."

"Right!" He laughed and pulled me slightly closer, our laughter stopped when I caught sight of those blue hues once more. Before I knew it my lips had found his, I found my heart racing in my chest with excitement before I pulled away slightly. "You're a really good kisser." He mumbled, smirking slightly as his thumb stroked my cheek.

"I'm honored."

"Maybe even the best in the galaxy." He whispered before once again pressing his lips to mine. I found myself indulging in his touch and the way his tongue tangled with mine until we were out of breath.

"In that case I'm really honoured." I mumbled, my forehead against his. "You're not half bad yourself."

"You know nova corp meetings usually take awhile." I smirked slightly before pulling away.

"Mmm last one to the ship is a rotten egg?"

"Classic." He smirked before I sprinted towards the ship, only once I was at the entrance was I scooped up bridal style. " What do you know we tied." He let me go so I could stand, yet in mere seconds I was pressed against one of the walls of the ship. His lips trailing down my neck and collar bone as I tugged off my jacket. "Truth be told." He whispered as I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation his lips brought to my sense. "I've never been with another Terran."

"Well today's your lucky day." I giggled before he picked me up, my legs wrapping around his torso. "I happen to be mostly Terran." His lips pecked mine as he carried me to his room on the ship. It was only now did I realize he wasn't looking at me like a piece of meat or an object, but as someone he seemingly cared about. "Pete?" He nearly grinned at the nickname, why I didn't know, maybe it brought back memories for him.

"Yes darlin?" I could hear his Missouri accent in the word darlin, making me bit my lip slightly.

"I wanna know now if this is a one time deal or if this-" I motioned between us. "-is actually something." He didn't hesitate as he laid me down on the bed, yet hovered over me.

"I'm not a one time kind of guy anymore if that's the question you're asking. It's nice having someone like me." His rough thumb stroked my cheek before I nodded. I refused to get my heart handed to me on a platter once again. I'd jumped into bed with too many worthless men to once again get hurt. So I put my trust in him, once again giving into the urge to kiss him. He was that guy that made me feel like home was right here with him. With his body tangled with mine under the sheets, the scent of his cologne making my sense tingle. Maybe this was home all along and I had just finally found it.

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