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Kristin POV

I felt arms tighten around me, slowly opening my eyes to see the near stranger engulfing me. For some reason I trusted him, he was after all a Terran. Part of this made me miss my home planet, then again just like he said last night there was nothing left there for him, just like there was nothing left there for me. I carefully pried myself from his warm body and looked around the room before grabbing my bag off the floor. I dug out a fresh set of clothes and wandered to the bathroom connected to his room, quickly washing up. Only once I was dressed did I walk back into his room, brushing through my now clean and wet hair.

"Morning." I mumbled looking at him, his eyes half closed and a hand resting on his chest, the other behind his head.

"Gosh, sneaking out of bed already. I'm heart broken." A chuckle escaped my lips as I shoved my dirty clothes into the pocket of my duffle before grabbing my iPod and laying back down.

"I'm a heart breaker, I've got my dad's heart and my mother's looks."

"That's a good thing cause if you came out looking like Yondu you would have been sleeping on the floor." He smirked playfully before I shoved a headphone into his ear, scrolling through my iPod. "What's that?"

"It's called a iPod touch. Holds thousands of songs."

"Thousands?" He faked a gasp before I rolled my eyes.

"I'll have to start you off slow with the 80s and we'll work our way to more modern music. Def Leopard, Photograph from the album pyromania 1983." I watched the excitement spread across his face before I started lip singing along. Only once it started to end did I catch him staring at me possibly in admiration. I felt my cheeks heat as I handed him the device.

"I think I found the ship's new awesome mix." He removed the headphone and examined it for a moment. "Just by looking at this I know earth has changed a lot."

"For better and worse. I'll tell you all about it." I nodded to reassure him, he managed a smile before climbing out of bed. My eyes caught sight of the tiny scars that traced his skin, stories more than likely behind each one.

"I'm gonna shower, feel free to go eat, the kitchen is fully stocked." His eyes made my heart race, he reminded me of the men on earth, yet sweet and laid back. Memories flickered through my mind once more, sending a shiver down my spine as he walked away. I grabbed my red leather jacket and wandered out of his room to the kitchen area, which thankfully wasn't hard to find.

"Well, good morning." A racoon creature stated making me jump.

"Um, hi, I'm Kristin or Kris or Kristi." I managed a smile as I sat down, looking around. A grey and red man the size of the hulk sat inhaling some sort of soup, the green girl was messing with a gadget, and lastly the walking plant who was approaching me while standing on the table.

"I'm Rocket, this is Drax, Gamora, and Groot."

"I am Groot."

"All he can say is I am Groot, don't worry you'll begin to understand him." Rocket chuckled slightly as Groot opened his arms to me. I carefully picked up the plant lifeform, resting him on my shoulder.

"Do you remember anything about those who took you?" Gamora changed the topic and I shook my head before releasing a sigh.

"No, other than him saying something, but I don't even remember particularly what he said." I shrugged sitting back before the telecom began to ring, Rocket quickly answering it. My heart welled with excitement seeing the familiar blue form on the screen.

"Kristi! Are you hurt?" I stood and shook my head, chuckling slightly.

"I got a few bruises, but I'm fine dad."

"Listen I don't have much time, but I told Peter you're staying with him and the other Guardians till I figure out who betrayed us." I opened my mouth to protest, yet closed it quickly. My father always was right, ever since I was a child.


"I'll have Kraglin bring the rest of your things. He's the only one I trust fully."

"Alright, I'll keep an eye out for him. Love you even though you're a psychopath." A smile crept across my lips as he chuckled slightly.

"Love you too darlin' even though you're part Terran." He smirked before clicking off the screen.

"I am Groot."

"He says he's never seen Yondu actually nice." I laughed at Rocket's comment before shrugging.

"It even took some time for him to get used to me." My eyes caught sight of Gamora grabbing something off the shelf.

"I believe this is yours. Do you battle?" She held up my arrow and I whistled softly, it came shooting into my grip.

"My father taught me how to fight as a child."

"How do you control that when you don't have a fin?" I turned around to see Peter with a curious expression. It crossed my mind about how long he had been standing there. Carefully I took off my jacket and motioned to the red arm cuff around my bicep. It took but a few seconds to pry it off and I showed Peter two wires that ran inside my body.

"It's connected to my nervous system. I had it installed the first time I came out to the galaxy because my father was concerned for my safety on earth." I hooked the needle thin wires back up, adjusting the arm band that looked like an accessory. "It was however my own choice. I didn't really receive any of my father's traits but I did get a few tricks from his mother. More of a supernatural Centaurian. I used to scare the shit out of other kids with floating objects." I chuckled softly to myself before bitting roughly on my lip. This all seemed so strange come to think of it. People whom didn't find me as a creature instead the saw me as another person though sure enough I was still an outsider. Carefully I slipped my jacket back on before wandering to the front of the ship leaving the Guardians alone.

"We've got a mission to go on. You know how to use a gun?" I glanced over my shoulder to see Peter smirking as I nodded.

"Being Yondu's daughter that shouldn't be a question."

"Then welcome to the Guardians of the Galaxy." He slowly walked over, the others behind him nodding as if in agreement.

"What- How do you even know I'd be a valuable asset?"

"You've got one of those arrow things. I think you'll be just fine." Rocket chimed in and Drax nodded.

"We could always use more Terran bait." I rolled my eyes before laughing as I sat in one of the pilot seats.

"Then let's go shall we?" Peter almost grinned and got in the other pilot seat. Just like that we were off to a mission. An adventure of a lifetime.

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