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Harrison and Chloe walked over and Amy told them what happened,they were shocked, and nervous of what happened.

Harrison-So Jay told me Izzy found a Backpack that said belongs to me and Jay?

Izzy-Yeah it also said memories and we also found Chloe's bracelet.

Chloe-Really!I've been looking all over for it! Thank you guys.

Adrienne-Your welcome we found it by a tree.

Jay-Why is Cece wearing an ice pack?

Wisp-After we woke up she banged her head so we found a first aid kit and gave it to her.


Honor-Hey guys can you show us  the forest?


They all started to walk back to Cece house when they got there,they walked to the kitchen and light started to appear and then they hear another boom and they went to the forest.

Honor-This so cool! she held Jays hand.



Chloe-This looks like a magical forest?

Amy-It is.

They started walking but Adrienne found another clue,It was a picture of Honor and Jay near a log.

Adrienne-Guys I found another clue!

Cece-What is it?

Adrienne-It looks like a picture of Honor and Jay!

Honor and Jay walked to Adrienne and took a look of the photo and put it in the backpack.

To be continued

Chapter 4 is done now chapter 5

The dream🌃🌌🌌🌌 TwinCoconuts story Where stories live. Discover now