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Amy-What was that sound!

Wisp-I don't...know...

They all go unconscious again but this time they were somewhere different.

Cece-Guys why are we now at the park near Harrison and Jay house?

Adrienne-I don't know?

Izzy-Hey everyone Harrison and Jay are over there by a bench.


Wisp-Yeah look over there.

Amy-Oh ok.

While Harrison and Jay were at the park waiting for their girlfriends they saw Amy,Izzy,Adrienne,Cece,and Wisp laying on the ground putting their hands up to their chest trying to breathe normally.

Harrison-Jay what do you think happened to them.

Jay-I don't know? Maybe they were running and they lost their breath.

Harrison-Well I see wisp and Amy they look ok.I also see Adrienne,Cece,and Izzy they also look ok.

Honor and Chloe walked over and they also saw the girls they were wondering what happened.

Honor-Hey guys are the girls ok over their?

Chloe-I was wondering that to.

Jay-I don't know we just saw them over their trying to catch their breath.

They all went silent and tried to hear what the girls were saying.

Izzy-What the hell just happened?!

Adrienne-All i remember is when we were in the forest trying to get back to Cece's but we ended up here.

Wisp-Hey Izzy do you still you know have the backpack?


Amy-I an so confused right now?


Harrison,Jay,Chloe,and Honor were suspicious of what happened and they were all worried at the same time.

Honor-I'm going to walk over there and I'm going to ask them what happened.

Jay-I will come with you.

Honor-Cece,Izzy,Adrienne,Wisp,and Amy are you all ok.*worried*


Izzy- Well...Umm...

Amy-You see...

Adrienne-Umm... Uh...

Cece-well it's a long story and I don't think you are going to believe it.

Honor-We will believe you we are your friends.

Cece-Well were heading to my house for a sleepover but then when we got there, everyone wanted snacks so me and Amy went downstairs and all of sudden we see a light.

Adrienne-Then the house started shaking and we went unconscious and then we worked up in a forest and we found this bag,and it said it belongs to Jay and Harrison and it had pictures in it.

Izzy-We then heard a really loud boom and we got unconscious again and we wake up here.


Wisp-I know.

Honor-I'm going to get Chloe and Harrison over here.


To be continued

Chapter 3 done now chapter 4 and 5 :) 💖🌴🌌❤️😏😂

The dream🌃🌌🌌🌌 TwinCoconuts story Where stories live. Discover now