You shook your head to stop thinking about it and laid on the bed next to Goro. He pulled you in close so that your back was against his chest. He whispered goodnight in your ear before turning the lights off and drifting to sleep right after you did.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next day was no different. You got ready for school and left after you had left Goro some pancakes on the counter for his breakfast. You still had to bake the brownies to celebrate his success but that was for later. You held onto your satchel close to your chest as you walked in the subway filled with many office workers. 

Being a girl in the subway meant that you were a piece of meat to the men around you. One wrong move and their hands would be roaming all over your body. It was the sad truth. Men do not respect women like they should. It's happened a couple of times before to you. Nobody did anything.

The train came to a stop, making almost half of those in the train get out. It left a lot of room for you to sit back and read the news on your phone for a bit before hearing someone familiar clear their throat to get your attention.

You look up to see the familiar tall, blue-haired boy from yesterday.

"Oh, good morning Yusuke. I didn't know you take this train." You said, putting your phone away and smile lightly as he took a seat next to you with his satchel on his lap.

"I tend to take the later train but I had an important project I've been yearning to complete," Yusuke said. "What about you, senpai?"

You furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head with a flustered look on your face.

"Please, no need for formality like that. I'm more used to using formality to others." You said.

"But you are a year older than me, no? You are my senpai. You also bought me food last night, which I am grateful for."

"But you're way taller than me." You sweatdropped and hugged your satchel. "I prefer you just call me by my name. After all, I believe that my age or year does not make me any more important than someone a year below me. In fact, I've never really been called senpai by someone before... It's weird."

"I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. I had no intention of making you feel that way." He said sincerely, giving a small bow with his hand on his chest. This dude had a little too many manners for his own good. He must have so little money and yet still give some to his friends or those he sees in need.

"No need to apologize. I only wanted to let you know." You laughed under your breath. "Anyway, what is this project you were working on?"

He smiled softly and gave a little explanation about his lack of inspiration and how he's been looking for any potential in his friends and life. After that, he explained how he saw the public and how he desires his art will open people's eyes to see what he sees. It was interesting and a shame when he had to get off the next stop.

After that, you made it to Shujin Academy while avoiding any fans out in the gates. It was pretty easy considering how many groups of students were pushing to get to their classes like you. Class started, which was extremely boring but you still kept taking notes and doing your work so that you wouldn't be able to fall asleep. You kept getting the occasional glances from Makoto Niijima, sister of Sae Niijima. She just sent you a glance whenever she got the chance to walk past you during lunch or cleaning time.

"Ah, Kurusu-kun!" You spotted him as he talked to a boy with blonde hair. He had an obvious limp that might have come from Kamoshida but it wasn't your place to ask him any personal questions.

Plus, he might also be a member of the Phantom Thieves. And so could Yusuke. You walked over to them once taking a deep breath and saw Makoto making a horrible attempt to spy on them with a magazine on her face. Little did she know, the magazine was upside down.

"Oh, it's Y/N." Akira waved at you as you approached him and his friend, who greeted you as if he were being interrogated by you. Jeez, was it hard to at least pretend you were innocent? He could potentially be the worst actor in the world.

"Good afternoon. I've been trying to look for you in the morning but I couldn't find you." Akira said with his hands in his pockets. The boy next to him introduced himself as Ryuji Sakamoto. He was being too defensive whenever you'd ask him a question about his classes and hobbies. You could almost see Akira wanting to smack him for being so obvious.

"Sakamoto-kun, I assume that you are also a second-year?" You had your hands behind your back and asked him.

"Y-Yeah, just not in the same class as Akira." He answered, looking away for the millionth time.

"Ah, why do you seem nervous around me? Are you afraid of me?"

"Hell no! I'm just... I'm just thinkin' about the field trip we have next week! I don't wanna spend my time watchin' some guy with a high ego talk about himself for an hour."

You frowned but repressed it to force a smile.

"That guy with a high ego happens to be my boyfriend." You responded. "And I also happen to be going to that interview as well. As much as I do not want to do it, I have no choice but to go anyway. It is what we have to do in life, Sakamoto-kun."

Akira snickered and hid his smile as Ryuji tried to make things better but he failed miserably by how much he was ranting. You laughed alongside Akira as he hung his head low in embarrassment.

"Look, I'm sorry. Shit, I forgot about you being with Akechi." Ryuji shrugged.

"You're one of the few people who has ever done that." You raised your eyebrows. "Thank you for being clueless about those around you. You seem like a good friend. Loyal but not trustworthy enough to keep any secrets apparently. Next thing you know, you'll be over here revealing that you're a Phantom Thief." You grinned, seeing how Akira and Ryuji's eyes flash in panic.

"W-What?" Akira pushed his glasses back.

"What I meant to say is that Ryuji seems to be the type to drop a major bombshell with that mouth of his. Jeez, you act like you are the Phantom Thieves." You scoffed, satisfied at their reactions. It only confirmed that Ryuji was a part of the group too. So far, you've found three members in just two days...

These guys aren't so good at hiding their secrets.

"O-Oh! Yeah! Me and my big mouth!" Ryuji forced a laugh with scratched the back of his head. "I totally getcha!"

You nodded in understanding.

"Hey, is it alright if I were to hang out with you after school? I have nothing to do and Goro will be busy after school..." You scratched the back of your head.

Akira and Ryuji shared looks before having a silent agreement.

"It's fine with us." Akira agreed while Ryuji just huffed.

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to it." You smiled lightly. "Also, Sakamoto-kun, I suggest you relax. Just because I'm an ace detective does not mean that I can not joke around. I hope to get to know you more. It would be fun to see you embarrass yourself as you did just now."

The Detective Princess (Yusuke x reader x Akechi)Where stories live. Discover now