Saying goodbyes to my friends felt truly and utterly awful. It felt like this heavy rock pressing down my chest so I could hardly breathe, it felt suffocating. Constantly trying to fight against the tears from streaming down my face was not easy either.

"Max, we should go check-in before it's too late." Andy said, shaking me back to reality again. I nodded smiling sadly, "Guess so... bye guys, I'll miss you-u..." I sighed. And before I knew both Jeremy and George hurdled me into a big group hug that lasted for a good five minutes until we pulled away tears in our eyes.

I waved my goodbyes and started walking towards the check-in desks with Andy by my side.

"Max! Max Young!"

A faint voice shouted out from somewhere behind us. I turned around to scanning around the huge airport. Right next to Jeremy and George stood Dom. His usually clean and fancy suit was now wrinkled and not buttoned properly; even Dom's hair was messier than ever.

We both started making our ways towards each other until we met right at the middle. I stared at Dom; his eye bags had gotten huge and dark, the whole look on his face was very exhausted.

"Dom- what's going on?" I questioned with concern. He just shook his head and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry Max. I never intended to send you away like this, I just can't let you get hurt and this was the only way to protect you from everything."

"Everything? What everything? What do you mean?" I asked even with more concern and confusion. Dom just smiled at me warmly, humming to himself, "Sorry kid I can't tell you. What's important now is that you just get on that plane and don't look back. Don't try getting into contact with me once you get there; just forget that you ever knew me. Just please get better and remember I'll always love you. I'm so proud of you Maxi, I'll miss you more than you'll ever realise."

Dom's eyes started shining with the tears slowly forming in his eyes and I just kept staring at him with no words to even think. "Now go, and please stay safe." He said before twirled me around and lightly pushed me to walk back over to Andy. I looked back at Dom as he just stood there smiling warmly at me.

"Dominic Reece!" I heard another shout from coming out of the large group of people. Dom imminently turned his head towards the voice and I was left staring at him.

A man in a dark navy suit made his way over to Dom with three police officers trailing right on his heels. "Dominic Reece; you are under arrest for running an illegal prostitution business, fraud, several assaults, carrying illegal weapons and lastly but certainly not least, murder."

"This time I wouldn't try fighting against us, just come with us so this doesn't need to get so nasty." The man smirks before pulling a pair of handcuffs out.

My eyes widened and I dropped the bag I was carrying down onto the floor. I started making my way over to Dom but a hand pulled me back. That hand was Andy's.

"Dooom!" I screamed, fighting against Andy's tight grip.

The man who just had handcuffed Dom, moved his gaze to me, "Do you happen to know this kid, Dom?" He smirked again, "Is he possibly one of your workers? One of your little sluts?" Dom just huffed, "No, never seen him in my life. Now let's just go."

Dom didn't even look my way when he said that, which only made the jab in my heart even stronger. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched them take Dom away. Now if ever, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I dropped onto my knees and sobbed with my head in my hands.

"Maxi!" Jeremy's voice echoed from the distance and soon felt a pair of familiar arms hugging me again. I couldn't wrap my mind around this, how could Dom get caught? He always had been so careful with all of his doings – I just could not understand.

"Shhh Max, it'll be okay." Jer whispered. I could tell he was shaken up and confused from what we had just witnessed too. "You really need to go, I'll figure out what's going on but just go before it's too late." Jeremy assured, pulling away from the hug and wiping away my tears.

"And Andy, please take extra good care of him." Jeremy said as we got up from the ground. Andy nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist, giving me a quick peck on the top of my head.

Andy and I started making our way over to the check-ins again, I quickly glanced behind to see Jeremy smiling and waving at us. I felt so bad leaving, I didn't want to but I had no choice anymore.

I didn't speak a word until we made it into our airplane. And then I just curled up closer to Andy and sobbed quietly into his shoulder till I eventually fell asleep.

I felt confused, broken and worried all at once; a mix of wondering what was going to happen to Dom, how were Jeremy and George doing and how was I going to survive through all this, again.

All I ever thought of was; how to survive?

But I still hadn't found the right answers to it.

Chains (BoyxMan/BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now