Chapter 19

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The next morning came sooner than I had hoped. My body was aching again and my head was pounding crazy.

I slowly reached for my painkillers from the other side of my bed and chucked a couple down dry. The burning sensation didn't feel as great as I had the night before. A light knock on my door startled me and I hid the empty bottles quickly.

"You awake Maxi?" Jeremy's voice echoed before he pushed his head to have a quick peak inside of my room. "I brought you the newspaper just in case you wanted to know what's been happening in the outside world as you are stuck between these four walls." He continued.

"Thanks." I stated bluntly. With my voice being raspy from the strong alcohol and eyes bloodshot red, Jeremy stared closer at me with concern written all over his face. "Is everything alright? You don't look so good." Jeremy questioned.

"Yeah, as alright as everything can when you feel like you're practically dying." I groaned. Jeremy apologised and sat down on the bed next to me. I soon realised he had sat on the empty bottles I had hidden and I could tell, he had realised too.

"What's this?" He murmured as he stood back up, lifting the covers to only discover my last night's regrets. "Max..." Jeremy started.

"What?! I just needed something to get rid of this pain, nothing else." I said before Jeremy could continue. He sighed but didn't say anything. Jeremy sat back on the bed after pushing the bottles away.

After a long silence I finally opened my mouth to speak,

"Andy is getting married today." I muttered under my breath just loud enough for Jeremy to hear me. "I didn't think it would hurt me this much..."

Jeremy wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in to his chest. "What do you want to do?" Jeremy asked as if knew what I wanted. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed deeply.

"You really love him, don't you?"

I nodded, not daring to look at Jeremy.

"I know what we need to do." Jeremy stated out of the blue, "We going to get you your man."

I don't know where Jeremy found out the place they we going to get married at but the closer we drove the more nauseous I felt. This was a really terrible idea.

"I- I think we should just go, this was a bad idea." I said shaking my head with my nerves taking over my entire body.

"There's no backing away now, we are here!" Jer informed as he pulled up to a gigantic looking mansion.

I felt my heart doing flips and beating like no tomorrow as Jeremy dragged me out of the car towards the class doors. As we step in we are greeted by a huge fancy looking room with people running around who I assume were the staff.

"I'm not even dressed up for this, I look worse than homeless people." I whined looking down at the clothes I had still on. I never had the chance or better yet the energy to change from the clothes I have been in since I got discharged from the hospital, I'm sure a half dead looking kid wearing a worn out yellow sweater with some sweatpants would fit in just well. *insert eye roll here*

As my feet felt like they weighted a ton, I couldn't move forward from the front door. Jeremy had already ran off somewhere leaving me still. If I thought my heart had been beating like crazy before, now I was surely on the verged of having a stroke.

"Come on Max! We don't have time to waste!" Jeremy's voice echoed through the giant room. I took a deep breath and marched my way over to Jeremy. Jeremy then took a tight grip on my wrist so I wouldn't be able to run off, or that's what I assumed at least. "The wedding should be this way." Jeremy mumbled dragging me along.

"Jer... I don't think I honestly can do this... what if Andy isn't even interested in me and I'm just here to make a full of myself in front of all these people?" I cried out, feeling a big lump of anxiety in my throat making it hard to even speak. Jeremy sighed turning to me, "I've seen you at your lowest too many times and it isn't easy for me to just watch you suffer. So this time I'm not letting that happen, at least without trying first. I'll be here no matter what happens after we go through those doors. You will be fine, I promise."

Tears started burning my eyes as I hugged Jeremy tighter than ever. "My little big baby..." Jeremy hummed in to my ear before we broke the hug. He brought his hand to my cheek and wiped away the remains of my tears. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded, feeling unsure.

We opened the doors to the hall as quiet as we could but as they were old, it wasn't possible. All the heads of the guests turned to face us, and so did the two's who were stood in the front of all – Andy and Natasha.

"What is this?" Natasha's voice echoed through the hall, bouncing off the walls. I cursed under my breath before walking closer to the front with Jeremy trailing close behind.

"I need to talk to Andy." I blurred out. My heart rate was beating off the charts now and I felt sweat rolling down my back as my nerves got worse. Natasha laughed and looked at me, "Um- can't you see we are in the middle of something here, so if you don't mind – please leave." She snickered. I shook my head, "No it can't wait. It's important." I said lifting my eyes off the floor to Andy. He looked as shocked and confused as I imagined, but he nodded towards me and finally let go off Natasha's hands.

"If it's that important, why don't you just say it here and now then, huh? Or are you too much of a coward to do so?" Natasha said, with an evil grin spreading on her face. I looked back on Jeremy who was giving me a broken smile. I guess this was it then, no backing away.

"Andy..." I started, "From the first second I laid my eyes on you in that coffee shop, I saw someone else other than just a random person, and the next time at the hospital... I uh- just couldn't get you out of my mind. All the hours we have spent together have felt like heaven and I don't want to let go of that. I know either one of us have been honest with each other – or their partners, but I realised after being near death that we all got one shot at this shitty world so why to waste it regretting things we never did." As much as I tried keeping myself together as I spoke, it seemed more and more impossible. I felt warm tears running down my cheeks as I stared deeply into Andy's eyes.

"And uh- that's why I'm here now. I don't care if it's your wedding day and you're about to marry this snake, I need to get this off of my chest even if it were the last thing I'd do. Andy... I-"

Before I had the chances of finishing my sentence Andy had rushed over to me with his lips connected to mine. The room was filled with loud gasps and screams. I wrapped my arms around Andy, pulling him closer to me as Andy did the same.

Our sweet moment was cut short as Natasha ran down to as pulling us apart and slapping my across my cheek, "You bastard!" She screamed. Andy grabbed her by the waist pulling her off of me before she had the chance to hit me again. "That's enough!" Andy growled.

Jeremy came up to me asking whether I was alright, I just nodded holding my cheek. I tried processing all of what had just gone down.

Natasha was screaming at Andy as she was being pulled aside by her bride mates. I had a quick glance at the audience staring at us in disbelief. An older woman from the front row made her way out of seat and towards Andy. I couldn't hear what she said to him, and neither did I know who she even was. Andy nodded at her before looking over at me. The woman gave me a faint smile as she walked by me back to the seating area.

"How about we get out of here?" Andy questioned with a quiet tone, before taking the hold of my hand and leading me towards the doors we had come in from. The whole crowd's eyes followed us, most of them extremely judgy. Only when I looked up from our feet, I was met with familiar eyes following my every move – Dom. I couldn't tell by the look on his face what he was thinking of all of this but I'm sure I'd be finding out later. But also, why the heck was he even here?

When we got outside in to the peaceful nature, Andy pulled me aside. "I'm so sorry Max, I don't even know how can I ever make this all up to you. I've been a total douche and all this time I've been just worried about you. Max you don't even need to forgive me, but just accept my apology." He mumbled trying to catch his breathe.

I didn't feel the need to talk anymore so I just wrapped my skinny arms around Andy's waist, pulling him closer. I felt Andy's warm breath tickle my neck as he returned the hug without letting go. 

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