Chapter 8

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(Misbehaving: Age 8)

"No I didn't do it! I didn't!" I yell flustered at my school teacher. I really didn't do it. "Y/N you are just a little liar aren't you." She hisses at me through clenched teeth. "I didn't do anything! I don't even know what you're talking about!" I reply getting angry. "Oh so you're telling me Y/N that the class gerbil just escaped, and you didn't purposely let it out the window? All you do is misbehave!" I sigh loudly and walk away. I uh actually did let little Squeakers out. He wasn't happy! He wanted to be free! But, if she wants to see me misbehave, oh I can misbehave!

Any chance I got, I would be as mean as possible to her. I only did it when no one is around to see, and Ethan thinks she's mean too, so sometimes he helped me play pranks on her. One day he distracted her while I put super glue from her desk on her roller chair; she got stuck for hours and Ethan and I had to cover up our giggles. Another day, we threw a bunch of really heavy objects around the room in her purse and weighed it down. She could barely lift the already heavy bag and it was funny seeing her struggle. And my favorite; the last day of school.

The last day of school was super hilarious because Ethan and I got away with it all. The teacher called in our parents after school and told them all about how we were hooligans and needed discipline. Our moms just stared at her in disbelief, while the dads were studying us. Ethan and I just sat there looking horrified that she would even accuse us of that. I even started to cry a little, alerting my mom.

She ran over to me and wrapped me up in a big hug. "Oh sweetheart it's okay, we know you two are little angels." The teacher then starts to explain what we did to her. And my dad cuts her off abruptly. "Do you have any proof that it was them?" The teacher sighs and shakes her head no. All of our parents scoff as our dads scoop us up. "Well then stop accusing our babies of something they clearly didn't do." All six of us then left the school and never saw the teacher again.

(You get sick: Age 9)

I wake up in a puddle of sweat and my hair stuck to my face. A chill runs up my spine as I hug myself closer. I try to talk, but my throat is so sore and rough. I slowly scramble out of bed, as the headache hits me fast and hard. "Ughh." I groan loudly out in pain. I wander slowly down the hallway to my parent's room and knock on the door lightly. "Come in!" My mom's cheerful voice echos through the door.

I slightly crack it open and stumble through it. I walk over to her and tap on her shoulder. She looks at me and immediately her face softens. "Aww baby what's wrong?" I open my mouth to speak, but only cough rapidly and harshly instead. She sighs and wraps me up in her arms. "My Princess is sick isn't she? At least it's a Saturday." She coos in my ear and rocks me gently back and forth. I nod lightly and feel myself fall asleep.

When I wake up, I am on the living room couch and my favorite movie is playing. I smile as my dad appears around the corner. "Hi daddy!" I say raspily and he smiles. "Hi there my little Princess. How are you feeling?" He asks feeling my forhead and frowning. "Oh sweetheart you're really warm.. Want a popsicle?" He asks as I happily nod. "Orange please." I say. He gives me a thumbs up and heads into the kitchen. As soon as Dad leaves, Gizmo comes strolling in and jumps up on the couch at your feet. Even he can sense you don't feel well. The now larger dog places his head on his paws and closes his eyes. I smile and scratch his ears. "Good boy."

Just as Dad was returning, the doorbell sharply rang, causing my headache to return. I cringe slightly at the pain as my dad opens the front door. I smile as I see who it is. Ethan. "Oh Ethan I'm sorry, but she's sick. She can't play right now." My dad says quietly. Ethan half smiles and says happily. "Oh I know. Y/N's mom called my mom and told her. But, I wanted to come help. Plus, it gives me a chance to play Doctor and be a good friend so it's a Win-Win situation." Dad smiles as he lets Ethan in. He immediately runs up to me and gently gives my hand a squeeze. We both smile as my dad hands each of us a popsicle. Ethan clears his throat and speaks as deeply as possible. "Now now patient Y/N Y/L/N, is it?" I nod and giggle as he continues. "Well not to worry dear because Dr.Nestor is here!" He says throwing his hands up in the air triumphantly. We both break into a giggle fit, I already felt 100x's better.

Our Story (CrankGameplaysxReader) Fanfiction Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora