Chapter 2

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AN: After this chapter it will start being written with the I pronoun.

Your first birthday (1 year old):

You wake up to your mom's arms wrapping you up tightly in an embrace. You drool slightly and reach for her long brown hair, it is so soft and you love to touch it. She smiles and kisses your nose. "Happy first birthday Princess." She says happily. Your mom carries you to the kitchen and it was full of your favorite people.

You immediately spotted daddy and reached your arms out for him. Your mother hands you over to him and kisses his cheek. You smile as he hugs you and sits you down in your purple high chair. You loved your chair, especially because it had your favorite unicorn sticker on it. He laughs and boops your nose with his finger. You smile as more people crowd around you "aweing" and "oooing". You laugh as your granny flattens your Y/H/C hair and kisses your hand. You stick your tounge out at her playfully as your grandpa walks up beside her. "Hey there Princess. You excited for cake?" He asks. You throw your hands in the air and blow spit bubbles as your mommy walks back in holding a plate.

She sits the dessert in front of you and you giggle happily. "Happy birthday Y/N! Enjoy your first cake Princess." She kisses your cheek as everyone starts singing. You laugh and sloppily blow out the pink candle as your dad cuts you a tiny slice. "We all love you very much Y/N." He says as you munch on your first bite. You immediately smile. It is so good. You drop the fork and dive in with your bare hands. The room erupts with laughter and many people begin to take pictures.

They all let you play in it for a few seconds longer, then your mom takes it away and replaces it with a large and beautifully wrapped box. She grins and helps you slowly open it. "This is from me and daddy Y/N." She whispers in your ear. She places the giant bow on your head and you smile when she pulls the present out. It is a stuffed puppy. You giggle and wrap it up in your arms. You mentally name him Gizmo and kiss his ears. Each person brings you a present, which totaled to around 12. After you're done, you reach for your mommy to pick you up and start to yawn. She grabs you up and cuddles you lovingly while carrying you off to your room. Dad walks in moments later with Gizmo in hand. He places the stuffed dog next to you as they both kiss you goodnight. "We love you so much Princess. Show the world that you are truly magical." You chuckle lightly, yawn, and snuggle Gizmo closer to your tiny chest.

Your first words (2 years old):

"C'mon Princess! You can do it! Say it with me "Momma". C'mon." Your mother cheers. You tilt your head and attempt to form the words again. You giggle a little at first and eventually say something. "Muemmi." Your dad laughs loudly and brushes your hair behind your ear. "That was close Y/N. One more time?" He asks. "Mumi." All of you smile. "One more. You got this." She says grinning. "Momma" You say flatly not really understanding what you did to cause the uproar.

The room is immediately filled them both cheering and laughing. Your dad picks you up and lifts you on his shoulders. You giggle and flail your arms wildly as your mom tickles you. "Good job Y/N! We are so proud of you. That's right. I'm Momma and that's Daddy." She says very joyfully. You laugh as she blows on your exposed tummy and your dad tickles your feet. "Mommy, Y/N, Daddy, Gizmo." You say pointing to each person and hugging Gizmo. These beautiful people are your family and especially your best friends.

Your first steps (3 years old):

"HEY HALEY GET IN HERE QUICK! Y/N IS TRYING TO WALK!" Dad screams towards the kitchen. You hear loud footsteps pounding towards you and a exasperated answer. "What oh my gosh Jon. Our Princess is growing up!" Mom says tearing up and hugging Dad. You stop crawling and try to leverage your weight on your feet.

You fall a couple times and start to cry at one point, but you keep on getting up and trying again. You eventually get yourself upright as your parents cheer happily. Your dad whips out his phone to record as you take your first attempted steps. It's very unbalanced and messy, but they are still somewhat steps. You laugh as they reach out their arms for you. "C'mon Princess. Over here Y/N. Come to Mommy and Daddy." Your dad beckons with a proud smile.

You start to clumsily walk over in their direction, you almost get there. Until suddenly you get tripped over the rug and fall face first. You start to wail as your mom stoops down beside you liffting you into her arms. "Shh it's okay. It's okay Y/N. You did so good! We are both as proud as can be. We love you with all of our hearts baby girl." She coos in your ear calming you down almost immediately.

You grab her hair lovingly and tug. It's your thing, that's how she knows that you're okay. She sighs happily and kisses your nose. Mom hugs you closer. You giggle as dad joins the two of you in the hug and snaps a quick selfie when you were in the middle of a laugh. "Gizmo. Daddy I want Gizmo." You demand as he quickly hands him over. You snuggle the puppy as Mommy and Daddy kiss each other. "Eww" You say scrunching your nose. "I hope you always think that's eww Princess." Dad says sarcastically. They both break out in laughter and you join in. Soon enough, all four of you including Gizmo are on the rug crying from laughter.

"Y/N how much have we said we love you today?" Mom asks. "Ummm 1003 times." You say seriously. Mommy smiles and adds "Well Princess let's make it 1004. We love you and never ever forget that." You chuckle and kiss her forehead. Then curl up in the crook of your dad's arm with Gizmo and fall into a peaceful sleep. "You're going to do great things in this world Princess. Just stay positive and enjoy the simple and beautiful things that life gives us." Mom kisses your cheek as she carries you to bed.

Alright! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story so far! THIS FAMILY IS LITERALLY GOALS... I have so many great ideas for the future too! I hope all you beautiful beans enjoyed! Thanks for reading. -A

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