John scoffed. 'Who? Paul?' He laughed. 'You must be joking!'

'I'm not.' Stuart shrugged.

'He's been through a lot.' John said. 'He lost his mum, y'know?'


'Paul lost his virginity to his babysitter.' John smirked. 'He's not gay.'

'Right - and you?'

'I'm with Cyn.' John said. 'Paul's my friend.'

'Right.' He nodded. And that was the end of that. Stuart didn't ask again after that.


'It was lovely to catch-up, Julia.' Mimi shook her sister's hand and walked her to the door.

John burst through the door, wiping his feet on the mat and shouting, 'I'm home Mimi-' John noticed his mum standing there. 'Oh.'

'We were just catching up.' Julia said. 'I can stay-'

'No, if you need to be off then go.' John crossed his arms.

'I'd like to stay.' She said in a calm tone.

Mimi smiled, 'I'll go put the kettle on.'

John followed Mimi into the kitchen and sat on the table, noticing some Victoria sponge cake on the table that hadn't been touched.

'I thought I'd bring some cake for you, you always used to like cake.' Julia sat down opposite John.

'Thanks.' John smiled.

Mimi and Julia saw a lot more of each other after that. John enjoyed not having to sneak about to see his mum and he enjoyed seeing Mimi interact with other people that weren't himself or the postman.

Hours went by of them just talking. Julia stood to her feet and put her coat around her.

'I best get home.' She said.

'Well, it was lovely to see you.' Mimi smiled. 'Pop round whenever you like.'

'I will.' Julia nodded. And she did.

Julia 'popped round' for the next few months just to spend time with her sister and son.


John raced home, dropping his guitar and running to the police car. He saw Mimi standing outside the gates to Mendips and he ran to stand by her, taking her hand.

'Will she be alright?' He cried, tears streaming uncontrollably down his face. 'Why aren't you still at the hospital?'

Mimi hesitated to speak, swallowing hard before she did. 'No John, she won't be alright.'

He didn't want to ask but he knew he had to, 'is she-'

'Yes.' Mimi pulled him into a hug but John pulled away, pushing Mimi away and running off down the street. His eyes stung with tears and he kept running until he reached his favourite spot: Strawberry Field.


Mimi knocked on Paul's door ferociously, desperation clear in her knocks. When he opened the door he was overwhelmed by her pleas.

'Has John been by?' She asked.

Paul furrowed his eyebrows, 'not since yesterday afternoon but he left in a hurry.' He noticed her bloodshot eyes. A sharp sting of concern hit his chest. 'What's happened?'

'Julia's dead.' She said, simply. Paul couldn't tell if she was blunt because of the denial or because of the grief. She was a difficult woman to suss out, Mimi.


'Hit by a car.' She said. 'John hasn't been home since.'

'When did it happen?' Paul questioned, growing more worried with each word.

'Last night.'

'Don't fret Mimi, I'll find him.' He said, grabbing his brown coat from the hanger and calling to his dad. 'I'll be home later. I need to rush out.'

'Alright, son.' Jim McCartney shouted through, unbeknownst of the circumstances but allowing him out anyway.

'Go back home, Mimi. I'll bring John back when he's ready.' He said. 'I'm sorry for your loss.'

'Thank you, Paul.' Mimi patted his shoulder. 'You're a good lad.' She said. 'And a good friend to John.' She didn't mention the fact that she thought he were a positive influence on him as she felt it a little personal so she kept it to herself.

Paul raced off in the opposite direction to Mimi, understanding John's thinking and knowing where he'd be. Where else would he go if he felt there was nowhere else? Nowhere but there.

He fought against the trees and walked up slowly behind John, who was sleeping softly by his tree. He had a clear eye shot of the gates so he didn't feel entrapped, he felt safe.

Paul felt awful waking him so instead he just sat down. He took hold of John's guitar and strummed quietly.

'Paul?' John peeped his eyes open. For the first time since they'd met, Paul saw a vulnerable boy in John. He saw a little boy who was torn between his mum and dad, who'd lost everyone he held dear, a boy who needed a friend, who needed love. Paul smiled.

'Hi.' He said.

'I was hoping you'd find me.' He said, trying to smile but failing. Paul looked at him through pitiful eyes and pulled himself closer to where John was sat. He gave John his hand and they both sat in silence. Silence until John spoke. 'What was she like?' Paul looked at him. 'Your mum?'

'She was nice.' Paul said, uncomfortably, pulling his hand away from John. 'Sweet.' He smiled at the memory of her. 'Everything you'd want in a mother.'

'What happened?' John asked, resting his head on Paul's shoulder.

'She got sick.' Paul shrugged. 'So she had an operation.' John felt tears fall from his eyes. 'But there were complications.' He sighed. 'And she died.'

'I'm sorry, Paulie.' He grabbed Paul's hand again. 'She's not coming back, is she? I've really lost her?'

Paul sobbed, 'no, she's not.'

'I was just getting to know her.'

'I know.' Paul pulled John into a hug.

'Now what do I do?' He cried into Paul's shoulder, reminding himself of Mike that night.

'You go on.' Paul looked John in the eyes. 'We go on.' He grabbed his hand tighter, he held his brother's hand.

'How old were you?'

'Fourteen.' Paul looked at his feet, feeling emotions racing through his mind.

John pulled Paul into a tighter hug. 'I'm so sorry.' He sobbed into Paul's shoulder.

'Don't be sorry.' Paul wiped away his own tears.

John looked at Paul. 'Don't cry.' John nudged Paul, making him laugh.

'Don't you either.' He nudged back. 'I promised Mimi I'd take you home.'

'I can't go back there.' John closed his eyes. 'Not yet.'

Paul stood up. 'You can.' He said. 'Because I'll be right there with you.'

'I can't, Paul.'

'You can.' He took his hand as he did Mike's. 'I believe you can.'

John stood up, pulling Paul into another hug and feeling secure in his embrace. Once out of Strawberry Field, the pair dropped the other's hand and walked silently to Mendips. The next thing John said made Paul's heart snap again.

'Stay with me tonight.' He placed his hand on Paul's shoulder. 'I can't be alone.'

'Of course.' Paul smiled slightly.


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