Kevin smirks at the hastily replied response and leaned back in his chair. He knew that with the Dork's tutoring, he would pass with at least a B, he would remain involved in sports, and he could get likely get to do all of that with Edd under his arm. He would have to move slow though... If he moved too fast he would scare him off and that was the last thing Kevin wanted to do. He waited for the bell to ring and followed Edd to his locker. "Hey Dork" he greeted, leaning against the wall.

Edd jumps at the sound of the voice. He tries to hide his shaking as he turns around to face Kevin. "S-s-salut-tations K-Kevin."

"I really appreciate you helpin' me out. I know we haven't been the best of friends or really even friends at all but I'm kinda of shocked that you even agreed."

"Um! Yes, well..." Edd feels his face turning bright red again. "I'm not really one to hold grudges. Besides, we've all grown up together, it would be rather rude to allow my peer to fall behind when all I would have to do is walk across the street."

"Well, that's pretty big of ya. Any way I can get you to walk across the street tonight? That big test is coming up next Friday and I would really like to not bomb that test too."

"U-uhm... Yes. I'll stop by at six o'clock. Is that a good time or should I come later?"

"That's great, I will have time to shower after practice. You don't mind if I chow down while we study, right?"

"By all means! It's your house, who am I to tell you what to do?" Edd grins, relaxing just a little bit.

"Choice. Here's my cell number, just in case you gotta cancel or something. See ya at 6, Double D!" Kevin slides a piece of paper into Edd's book he was holding and walked off.

The end of the school day could not have come any sooner for Edd, as he hastily told Ed and Eddy that he was busy after school with some extra homework. It wasn't a total lie, after all, and a little white lie never hurt anyone. He nervously paced his room until his clock read 5:58pm before heading across the street. Edd nervously holds his hand up to Kevin's door then lowers it then raises it again. 'Calm down, Eddward. You're just helping him study. There's no reason to be so nervous around him. He's no stranger. You've grown up with him and everyone else in the cul-de-sac.'

Kevin glances out the window and sees Edd. He could tell that he was so nervous and it was adorable! Kevin opened the door and tried not to be intimidating or anything. "Hey Edd, come on in!"

"G-greetings K-Kevin" Edd tucks his head and scurries into the house. He looks around the house and quickly takes a seat in the most public spot in the house.

"Let me go get my stuff real quick, unless you wanna go down to my room downstairs?"

"Uh! Um... Y-yes...? Sure, wherever you're more comfortable" Edd says blushing harder than he thought possible.

"Let's go, follow me" Kevin smiled and walked to the stairs. "Head to down and take a seat on the couch. I'm gonna grab something to drink. You want anything?"

"Um,water is fine. Thank you" Edd says as he takes a seat on the couch and looks around. "You have a nice room, Kevin" he says softly when Kevin descended the stairs.

"Thanks, my Dad and I built it. Has a door straight to the side of the house that you can leave out. Takes you right out beside the garage" Kevin hands him a water and opened his VOSS bottle, taking a big gulp.

Edd takes a sip of his water and opens his book to the section that their test would be on. "That sounds like it was a lot of fun!" he smiles brightly.

"It was, but it was a lot of hard work! And my Dad isn't the easiest person to get along with." Thumbing through his book and notes, getting to the chapters that are really killing him, even though he needs help with it all.

Edd giggles softly. "Difficult people are sometimes the best to be around. They bring more of a challenge into your life" he chimes thoughtfully. "Where would you like to start?" He asks, scooting a little closer to his crush.

"I really need help with the more recent chapters but everything is pretty confusing to me" Kevin blushes and scratches the back of his neck.

Edd nods and smiles understandingly. "Alright. We'll start from the beginning then! We can work our way back to our current chapter before Friday. We'll have to have study sessions every night though. Is that okay with you?"

"That's perfect!" Kevin flashed Edd with a wide smile.

"Alright! Let's get started!" Edd grins and begins with the first chapter. An hour passes before he notices that Kevin's arm just barely brushes against his. He takes a chance and leans close enough for their skin to make contact. He tries to keep a straight face as his face heats up again. "A-and that should b-be all for c-chapter two. W-would you like to start chapter three?"

"I would love to get as much done as possible." Kevin slid his arm around the back of the couch behind Edd.

Edd gives a surprised yelp and blushes even harder. "R-right! U-um well... A-asympt-totes..." he shakily turns the page and writes down a few problems. Kevin leaned back and stretched, inhaling in some of Edd's vanilla and blueberry scent. 'God, he is so intoxicating...'

They continue to study a little longer before they finish the chapter. "W-well... That's all for today. Is t-there anything e-else I can help y-you with w-while I'm h-here?" Edd says nervously.

"That should be good for tonight. Thanks a lot. Are you coming over tomorrow too?"

"Y-yes. Just let m-me know w-when your r-ready for me."

"Anytime, Edd. Despite it being for extra study time, I still had fun. You have a way with explaining things to people that makes then get it."

"Oh uh! Um.... Thanks!" He says shyly. He gathers his things and goes up to the side door and puts his hand on the knob. Innocent baby blue eyes look up into glowing green ones. "K-Kevin?"

"Yeah?" Kevin leans over and opens the door for him.

"W-we can, u-um...hang out s-sometime..." he looks down and tries to hide his face a little. "You know...without s-studying...?"

"I would really like that. Anytime you want that I don't have practice. Just shoot me a text. You still coming over tomorrow?"

Edd giggles "Of course!" 'He's nervous too!' he thinks to himself giddily. "I'll see you tomorrow! Have a good night!"

"See ya, Edd..." Kevin shuts the door with a smile. He just knew that he got in good with the dork, now he just had to stay there and burrow in deeper. He had to tell Nazz and Nat...!

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