Two Faced{Both}

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~Vee's P.O.V.~

I walk into the store, as I gaze upon all the unique pieces that it had to offer. My hands caress the many different antiques. My fingers feel every crevice and detail of the abstract art. Usually this is a normal thing for me. My major in college is art, but not just any type of art. Historical art. Art over the ages always intrigued me. I always desired to know more and more about how artists captured a scene onto a canvas. It was elating to me. Most of my family shunned me for studying art, because it isn't a "realistic" job, but it made me happy and I was passionate about it.

I walk toward the back of the store, to a section labeled "masks". I step further into the section,  and there are masks aligned across the walls. Many of them had many different powers. One claimed to give immortality, while others claimed to give wealth.  Normally,  I didn't believe in such things. They all seemed like mumbo jumbo to me.

I continue to look around, and my eyes land on one mask in particular. It was absolutely captivating. It had a white fluorescent paint line on it, going down the middle. One side was painted entirely red, and the other was completely black. The edge of the mask was spiney and sharp.

I pick up the mask, to read the description, but there wasn't one. There was no information on this mask at all. It was just there. I walk back to the front of the store, with the mask in my hand.

"Excuse me." I say to the cashier. "Do you have any information about this mask?" I ask holding it up.

His eyes immediately go wide, when he sees the mask that I held up.

"You don't want that one." He says.

"Why not?"

"Legend has it, that the spirits that live within that mask were the two most evil humans to walk this earth. Everything that they did was just as menacing as the next."  He says.

"So how did they end up in the mask?" I ask.

"One night, they both had partaken in a ritual that would turn them into gods. They were half way through the ritual, until they were captured by a powerful witch named Niobe(nee-o-bee). She brought them back to her shack, and casted a spell on them for killing her husband during one of their rampages. She cursed them and they've been in there ever since." He says.

I am astonished at the words that he just spoke. How could two people be so atrocious? Did they even feel bad for the things that they did? I'm guessing probably not, due to the fact that they did it repeatedly and excessively.

"Okay. Thank you." I say.

I walk back to the mask section,  and place the mask back on its shelf. I start to walk away, but something stops me. Literally.  I couldn't move at all. It picks me up, and I start to levitate towards the mask. It puts me down, and I try to walk away again,  but it repeats the same action as before.

It puts me down in front of the mask once more, but this time I pick up the mask and try to walk away. This time I walk freely to the front of the store.

I go to the cash register, and place it on the counter. The cashier, whose name is Joaquin, looks at me in utter shock.

"You're brave, mamacita." He says, ringing up the mask.

"I guess." I say, being that I was forced to buy the mask.

"Anything else for you?" He asks, with a cheesy smile.

"Do you perhaps sell any holy water?" I ask.

He laughs, and reaches under the counter. He pulls out a small box, and takes one little bottle out.

"I'll take the whole thing." I say, pulling a fifty dollar bill out of my purse.

I hand it to him, and he bags my items. He hands me the bag, and the receipt.
I start to walk out of the store, but he stops me.

"You might wanna take this with you." He says.

He hands me a little black book. It was dirty and old, and had a weird smell to it. The odor was very strong, almost like pickle juice or vinegar.

"What's this?" I ask.

"I have no idea, but it comes with the mask." He says.

"Oh, okay." I say.

I put the book in the bag, along with all the other things I had bought. I walk out of the store, but with a foreign feeling that was now attached to me.


I sit in my living room, watching tv shows on Netflix. I take a bite out of the brownies that I had just made, and the chocolate chips dance across my taste buds.

I finish with the first brownie, and begin eating the second one. I bite into it, but u soon start to hear a rattling sound coming from the kitchen.

I put the plate down, and walk closer to the sound. I get closer, and notice that it is coming from the bag with the mask in it. I take the mask out of the bag, and the sound stops. I also grab the book, and walk back into my living room. 

I sit down on the sofa, and place the mask next to me. I open the book, and my whole apartment drops in temperature.

The first thing that I read is:

The holder of the book and the mask, holds the ultimate power.

The holder is the supreme, and has the right at any given moment to want to no longer be supreme.

If the supreme may be affected by any earthly disease, and/or be ill in any way he or she will have bury the book and mask on sacred grounds before their human body dies.

The supreme may not give away the book, under any circumstances.

I flip the page and see a numerous amount of names. Beside the names are dates. I see dates from the 1600s all the way to now. I flip all the way to the back of the book.  On the very last page, at the very bottom, there was a quote. The words are in Spanish,  but I still try to translate them.

"Los amigos del diablo son gemelos idénticos." I say.(The devil's friends are identical twins)

As soon as I finish saying the quote, the book flies out of my hands. The mask flies next to it, and they both spin in a circle, causing a cyclone motion in my home.

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself.

The cyclone is a spiral of red and black smoke. The strong winds cause my long, curly hair to wrap around my head. The wind stops, and I was caught in disarray.

I see two tall men standing in front of me. They look at me, with devilish smirks on their faces.

"Who the fuck are you, and how the fuck did you get here?" I ask.

My voice shakes, out of intensifying fear.

"We came from the mask. We're the devil's friends." One of them says.

My heart nearly stops.

They're demons.

Oh, fuck me.


Hi, lovelies!

How are you all?

I've been gone for so long, but I guess I'm back now.

Tell me how you guys feel about this plot.

I was a bit skeptical about it because I don't really do mythical imagines.

Thanks for reading!

Bye, loves!

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