Chapter Eleven

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Maple, the bane of Toota's existence.  She was quite a sweet girl, who was nominated as the star of their faculty for the moon and star competition.  Toota was in the committee to help the freshman prepare for the competition.  

Toota hated the fact she was a lovely girl and he couldn't actually hold a grudge against her.  After all, it was his fault completely.  He had been discussing their performance with Maple.  Toota had gotten quite close to the two participating freshmen, and they seemed to love him too.

"P' Toota, can I ask you something?" Maple said when they were taking a break enjoying a cool beverage.

"Sure N' Ple, what is it?"

"Are you... umm... close to P' Bright?  Do you know what type of girl he likes?" she asked, turning to a deep shade of pink.

Toota groaned internally.  "Well, we are close friends.  Why?  Do you like Ai Bright?"

"I think he is really handsome," Maple's blush was irritating Toota, he balled his fist.

"N' Ple, Bright is my friend. But I have to warn you, he is a womanizer.  Are you sure you want someone like that?"

Maple smiled softly, "Maybe I can change him P'."

Was this girl dumb? Did she not hear him clearly? Toota thought.

"If you are sure, then I guess I could set you up with him," he said against his better judgment.

He couldn't possibly cockblock his friend no matter how much he hated it.  Bright would like Maple, she was his type. Pretty, smart and funny.  Plus he had already warned Maple, and he knew Bright, he will date her for some time and break up.  Bright being a womanizer wasn't so bad after all, he told himself.

"You are too sweet P' Toota," Maple said happily.

"Let me send him a text."

[See me at the steakhouse at 7 p.m]

[What's the occasion?]  Bright replied almost immediately.

[Just be there, asshole]  Toota sent and put his phone back in his pocket.

He sighed... it was going to be a long day.


Bright stared at Toota's text and found it little odd to receive a sudden text asking to hang out when he had been with Toota only an hour ago before he left to help the freshmen.  It didn't mean he wasn't happy.  

Since they started university, they hardly spent time together.  Knott, Arthit, and Prem were always with them.  Bright had also started spending some quality time with Arthit and Knott.  To his dismay, Toota had met his own nerd buddy, Prem.  Whenever Bright saw Toota, he knew Prem had to be somewhere near.

Prem was genuinely a nice person.  Bright didn't know whether he was gay or not, but he seemed to like Toota quite a lot.  Toota fussed like a mother hen when it came to Prem.  Then again, Toota was a mother hen to everyone.  Bright just didn't like to share the attention.

He looked forward to spending time with Toota.  Time couldn't pass fast enough.

Bright showed up at the steakhouse much earlier than necessary.  It felt good, he didn't know why they didn't hang out at each other's houses anymore.  As much as he like Arthit and Knott, they weren't the same as Toota.

Toota entered the restaurant with a girl in tow.  Bright recognized her as the star from their faculty but didn't know her name.  His mood suddenly declined.  So it wasn't just the two of them.  Bright tried hard not to show his disappointment.

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