Chapter 9: The End

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  A/N: PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO ONCE YOU'RE DONE READING. THIS IS WILL BE A SHORT PART. MY APOLOGIES. :) If the video is not appearing then look up The End Of Sean, my channel is fizzyburr! Also here:

Sean POV-

  I arrived in London, England. Now what? I have no idea where she went. I got out my phone and opened a picture of her. 

  "Have you seen this girl?" I began to ask strangers. Everyone shook their head no. Dammit. I left the airport and walked aimlessly down the streets of London. "Her name is Piper, have you seen here?" I suppose I could call her; but I want it to be a surprise. "Have you seen-"

  "Yes." The man smiled. "Her name was Piper. I talked to her yesterday." 

"You did?! Where?!" I begged. He pointed to a park bench. 

"Is she your girlfriend?" I nodded.

"I made the mistake of letting her run off to England. I'm going after her." I stated. He chuckled. 

"Soon you'll be married with four kids." he said quietly. Huh? "Look, I noticed her map said she was staying at the Pembridge hotel. If you go now; you might catch her. It's still early. Probably just woke up." I thanked him and walked away to the bench.

  I opened up google maps. Don't fail me now..Dammit! It's 10 miles away! I sat on the bench and sighed. Shit. She's probably going to go off and explore London and I'll have to wait till she comes back to the hotel, if she comes back. She'll also meet a handsome British man, and fall in love. Because that's just my luck. A car pulled up fast in front of me. It was the man. 

"Come with me if you want to live." I stared awkwardly. "Sorry I've just always wanted to say that. I'll take you there! For true love!" He yelled. I laughed and got in, not thinking of who the hell this guy was. I'm willing to accept that he's an axe murderer if he takes me to Piper. Luckily, he isn't. The car blasted This Is Gospel by Panic! At the Disco. Sorry Piper, I'm not letting you go. 

 I arrived at the hotel and thanked the man again and he drove off. 

"Is there a Piper-" There she was outside. She looked beautiful. Had I really just walked past her? I watched her walk across the street onto the other block. She was looking around. She looked...sad. What am I doing? Run; go after her! I crossed the street and suddenly lost her in the crowd. I can't lose her now. I took out my phone. 

Piper POV-

  London was beautiful. I felt no remorse coming here- but I missed everyone deeply. Sean doesn't love me. He was with that girl. That stupid blonde girl wearing nothing but a towel. He said he'd come here someday...just us two and we would explore. We would grow old here. So much for that. Tears swelled up in my eyes. My phone suddenly rang. I answered it. I was admiring a fountain in front of me. It was beautiful. People threw pennies into the fountain, making a wish. I took out a penny and held it in my fingers.

  "Hey." Sean's voice cracked. 

  "Sean-" I began to tell him not to call, but was cut off by his voice.

"Shh..Piper. Just listen. Don't speak, please?" He paused, I obeyed and he began. "Piper I love you. I can't live without you. I bought that ring to propose to you this year because of that. Of course now I know we're a bit young. Only in the twenties. It'd be a silly idea to get married now when we just began to drink. That girl? She means nothing to me. I was trying to get over you but dammit that's impossible. You're all that I want, all that I've ever needed. Piper- don't ask why...but if you love me...turn around. If you truly do in your heart just turn around. If there's a chance for us- turn around."

  What? Don't ask questions, Piper. Thrown off by the question I thought to myself. Is there a chance for us? We're so complicated, him and I. Drama is what we are. I looked at the penny, made a wish, and threw it in the fountain. I then turned around. I heard a gasp on the other side of the phone.

  People cleared up on the street- and he appeared. My mouth dropped. I covered my mouth and shed tears. He walked towards me. A dopey smile appeared on my face as I cried. He stood in front of me and wiped my tears. I looked up at him and he spoke through the phone. 

"I love you too." he said. "What did you wish for?" 

"It doesn't matter came true." I hung up the phone, put it in my pocket, and kissed him. It was like the world wasn't there was just him and I. "I love you so so much. I don't care that we're're my one and only." 

  "Jesus Christ, you guys are hopelessly in love aren't you?" A stranger smiled. We nodded yes and giggled. I rubbed noses with him. 

"You're my girl, Pips." He grinned. "I'll be here forever."

"And you're my boy. As will I." I smiled. 


  I looked at my fanfic. Wow, I finally finished it. I sent it to Grape; my idol. 

 "He's not gonna read it." Holly laughed. I turned around and looked at my friends. Sarah, Paige, Holly, and Lindsay were all on my bed. 

  "I don't know...he might? It's worth a try." I stated. They all rolled their eyes. 

"He's not even in your grade. You're still a senior." Holly said again. I sighed. 

"Yeah. I'm not asking him to be mine- I just want him to read it. It's a good story okay!" I yelled. They laughed.

That night

I sighed. I hated being the only one awake. A messaged on twitter made me get up out of my bed and look at my laptop. It was from Grape! Did he read it?!

Grapeapplesauce: Hey. I liked your fanfic on us. I think I've actually seen you around. Wanna make the fanfic real? :)


I screamed, waking all my friends up. They looked at me like, "what the fuck?" I began to sing random songs. 


"Grape wants to make the fanfic real. He wants to meet me!" I yelled. They looked at each other shocked, and then screamed with me. This fanfic is going to change my life.



Hopelessly (A Grapeapplesauce Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora