11. Complicated

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His question catches me off guard and the smirk pulling at his lips makes it obvious that it was his intention. I scoff, taking a step back from him. "Forget it" I insist but he shakes his head.

"No. I don't want to forget it. You're sitting here telling me that what happened between us was a mistake yet you're wearing the fucking wedding band around your neck." I gnaw my bottom lip, staring into his deep blue eyes. I can't argue because it's true. The ring was searing into my skin as we speak.

I take a long deep breath and throw my hands up in defeat. "I don't know Josh" I exclaim. "I don't know why I'm wearing it. I just-."

"Couldn't take it off" he fills in. I nod and a soft smiles pulls at his lips as he steps towards me. "Maya that means something" he says carefully. "Whether you like it or not you still have feelings for me and you know it."

I look anywhere but into his eyes knowing he has the power to break me. I couldn't give in. "Maya" he presses before the abrupt ringing of my cell phone interrupts us. I quickly dig into my pocket to retrieve it and sigh. Nick.

"I gotta take this."

He rolls his eyes as he grabs the bottle of champagne and leans back against the limo. "I'll be here" he says enthusiastically. I roll my eyes as I turn away from him and answer the phone.

"Hey baby" I answer brightly.

"That's some greeting after the way we've spoken since you left" he replies. I bite my bottom lip and run my fingers through my hair as I nod.

"I know" I sigh. "There's just a lot going on right now."

He laughs. "It's Vegas Maya what could possibly have you so preoccupied?"

Getting drunk. Marrying Josh. Having the best sex of my life with Josh. Knowing I should want to get an annulment but kinda wanting to stay married to Josh. Just normal Vegas things.

"I'm just busy" I reply dismissively.

"So it seems. Well enjoy your last day Maya" he snips. I knew he was mad but he would just have to wait until I got home.

"I will" I force a smile more for my own benefit than his. "Bye Nick."

"Bye Maya" he replies before I hang up the phone. Josh bursts into laughter as I turn back around.

"You guys seem really in love. I'm sorry I ever doubted it" he says sarcastically.

"Fuck you" I snip as a smirk pulls at his lips.

"You already did."

~ 🎲 ~

I know she's frustrated. Maya wasn't even sure she wanted a commitment and now here she is stuck with me. But I think there's also a part that doesn't mind being stuck with me which is why she's so angry. And I gotta admit, anger on Maya is a sexy look.

"Josh" she groans. "You infuriate me."

"So I've been told" I reply nonchalantly as I take another swig of champagne. "Baby why are you so riled up. I already agreed to the annulment."

She pauses and stares at me for a long moment, realization hitting her like a freight train. A smirk pulls at my lips as our friends pile out of the store.

"Alright people. Back in the limo" Riley exclaims. I move and open the door but Maya stays rooted in her spot. "Maya" Riley exclaims. "Come on." She runs her hand over her arm and shakes her head.

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