Tips On Coming Out!

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1. Hint to your parents, and slowly work your way up to it. Ask them their opinion on LGBT. What I would do, is say I was researching something for a project, found an article on LGBT recommended to me, looked at it, and wanted to know my parents opinion on the article. If they are homophobic, don't comeout to them until you can support yourself or have a place to go.

2. Tell people individually. Dont tell people all at once, because you want them to react how they would normally, not react how they think they should based on how everyone else is reacting. Your younger sister might be okay with it, but when she sees your mom isn't, then she isn't okay with it either. It just makes it so you can see peoples reactions fairly.

3. Be calm. If your (insert family memeber here) starts yelling, be calm, try to get them to stop yelling. Explain to them that it is hard enough to come out because you are scared of reactions, and yelling won't help. Tell them that being like this makes you happy, and explain to them why you wanted to come out to them, tell them that you trust them. They will calm down if you explain to them why you trusted them enough to tell them.

That was just a few of my Coming Out Tips!

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