Monday Afternoon

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Chapter 8-

Despite Sera's hopes, the game ended just in time for orchestra to start. She had a bunch of fun talking and joking with Ms. Mills. They had sat all the way at the top and since it was a freshman game there was hardly anyone there. The two were free to laugh and joke the entire time, and at one point one of the coaches screamed so loud his voice cracked, which sent the two women into a fit of laughter that resulted in tears running down both of their cheeks.

Regina insisted on walking Sera to class, since she was still incredibly wary of the man that had been chasing her earlier. Sera did nothing to stop her, she was enjoying the company. The two walked through the hallways talking about everything they had been laughing about before, giggling together all over again. The hallways were completely empty so it was easy for Regina to let loose and act naturally without worrying about inappropriateness. When they made it to the orchestra hallway the two turned to each other and quieted their laughter, neither one really wanting to separate.

"Thank you for helping me out earlier, I needed to talk to somebody. I'm glad you were there." Regina smiled at the girl.

"It was no trouble at all. And thank you for keeping me company at the game, I doubt it would've been that entertaining if I were by myself." Sera blushed, something she didn't usually do. But after realizing she had feelings for Ms. Mills, it was a lot harder to talk to her without getting all girly and shy, something Sera never was.

"Well it sure beat sitting outside my locker, so I would have to thank you, Ms. Mills." Upon hearing Sera call her Ms. Mills, Regina immediately flinched. She had gotten so comfortable around the girl that hearing her call her by her last name was like a slap to the face as a reminder that she shouldn't be so friendly with Sera. Regina couldn't bear that, so after a few seconds of debate in her head, she responded.

"Please, call me Regina when school is over. I hate being called by my last name." Sera looked at her and smiled, but on the inside she was shocked. She didn't know how to respond and thankfully she didn't have to. At that moment her instructor left the orchestra room and saw the two standing together, which made Regina unconsciously take a step back to add distance between the two of them.

"Have a nice day Ms. Mills." Regina smiled in reply as Sera disappeared into the orchestra room.

"Hello Regina, what are you still doing here? It's pretty late." Regina tried to ignore the new teacher's accusing tone and stood straight, refusing to let some first year orchestra teacher talk down to her.

"I just finished watching the freshman football game and decided to sit in on one of your orchestra classes. I saw Ms. Carnelley walking this way and asked her to show me which room was the orchestra room. Would you mind if I sat in and watched this class Kristen?" Regina phrased her words into a sentence, but her body language made it very clear that the young woman didn't have to answer, she was going to do it anyway. So she merely smiled politely and stepped aside, allowing the woman into the room. Forgetting about why she was leaving in the first place, Kristen turned and followed Regina back into the room, taking her place on the podium in front of her students whilst Regina sat on a stool in the back. The students all turned to her questioningly but Regina merely smiled and looked around the room at all the various instruments the old orchestra teacher had collected over the years.

"Okay guys, Ms. Mills is going to be sitting in today, but that doesn't mean you can slack. We have a concert coming up and some of the parts are still a little rusty. So Sera can you play your A so everyone can tune?" Sera smiled and stood, following instruction and playing a string, then everyone began following suit. Regina grimaced at the horrid sounds coming from some of the instruments, but once all of them were tuned it sounded quite pretty when all of the notes were played at once by the different sections.

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