Fatal attraction

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She ran to her room just as the tears broke loose. She cried and cried; for her self, her family, for everyone she has ever known. She grabbed the one thing she swore she would never use again and locked the door behind her. She knew this was the easy way out; the way she always thought made someone a coward. She took the blade, letting the last tears she would ever know break loose, and she ripped the blade across her skin; straight down her vein, knowing full well that's the only way to ensure she wouldn't make it. Because she didn't want to make it; slitting her wrist in the past was just a way to feel a pain different from the one in her heart, now it was a last resort. And as the darkness started to consume her, a small sad smile slipped across her face. It was one of the only smiles that graced her face that truly meant she was happy.


Sera grabbed her bag and coat before walking out the door and heading to school. Her parents, well her mother, had never agreed to buy her a car, even though Sera did every thing that was asked of her. She quickened her pace, knowing if she went too slow, the thirty minute walk would surely make her late if she walked anything slower than a basic run. She tried her hardest not to think, concentrating solely on the types of cars that zoomed past as she walked, because if she thought about anything other than that, she would have to skip and go home to wallow in her sadness and dry the tears that would undoubtedly flow down her face as they did so often. So she swallowed her pain and kept walking, hoping the walk would end before she couldn't help herself.

As she got to school, she swore she could hear angels singing. She pulled open the door and drowned herself in the complete ignorance of the people around her. She willed herself to become as blissfully unaware of the world as everyone else, but she knew it would never happen. So she plastered on the fake smile she became accustomed to and made her way to her 'best friend' Jamie.

As Jamie prattled on and on over whose dating who and what teacher is "such a bitch cause they did..." she couldn't help but feel bad for not actually listening to her. Though she knew the distance between them was of her own doing, because she believed she could never be close to someone who was so happy about life. Her melancholy demeanor would never be truly gone, and she did not want to burden the other girl with her personal problems. So, as practiced, she laughed when necessary and made almost mocking gasps of shock at all the right times; and her friend, like everyone else, was none the wiser.

As she made her way to class, leaving Jamie at her classroom door, she couldn't help but overhear the obnoxious jocks go on and on about the new assistant principal. She almost puked as they spoke about this more than likely old bag of a woman as if she were some sort of a Victoria's Secret model. She gave a short chuckle at their stupidity and walked into her class, preparing herself for the load of work she knew she would have to finish perfectly if she wanted to have even a small ounce of happiness in her life.

At the end of her class, which Sera could only pride herself on not jumping through the window before it ended, an announcement came on to tell everyone to make their way to the auditorium for an assembly. She was momentarily confused until she realized it more than likely had to do with the announcement of the new assistant principal.

She slowly gathered her things and trudged to the auditorium, hoping to get a seat in the back and ignore everyone around her. But sadly her teacher was keeping her class together in the second row of seating. So she took her seat and stared at the catwalk above her head, silently hoping someone would drop something heavy and crush her.

The principal walked onto the stage and people lowered their voices, not having enough respect for the young women to actually be quiet. Sarah felt bad for the woman, Mrs. Zeppelin, who had just replaced her old principal, whom everyone adored. So, naturally, everyone hated her. She tried her hardest to pay attention, and just barely caught the woman say the usual greetings and then inform the students of the new vice principal. As she made the introductions a petite brunette woman walked onto the stage with a hesitant yet pretend confident smile. Obviously she hadn't been used to large groups and attention, but if she wanted to work at Wesley High, she would have to get use to being put on the spot. As she turned to fully face the stage, Sera got a full view of the woman and realized she was nothing short of stunning. Short brown hair that shined in the stage lights, light brown almost golden eyes that even from Sera's seat she could tell were bright and beautiful. The woman had full lips painted a blood red, and an almost invisible scar just above the left side of her upper lip. When she was introduced by the principal, Sera found out her name was Miss. Mills, and she was in fact the new vice principal. Miss. Mills' body was perfectly curvy, and even though Sera who was, as far as she knew, straight, she could not stop staring.

The two woman took their turns speaking, and when the assembly was finally finished, everyone was instructed to clap and welcome the new faculty member. As everyone was leaving, Sera slowly ducked into the bathroom to waste some time before going back to class. The only time she ever skipped class was after an assembly; she would hide away in the bathroom and collect her sanity before resuming her classes. No one would question her because the halls transformed into a jungle once everyone is dismissed.

As Sera was finishing up her business, someone walked in to the bathroom. Sera pretended to ignore her, but could easily see that it was Ms. Mills. The older woman walked to the mirror next to her and double checked her makeup and outfit before glancing at Sera and giving her a slight smile.

"Hello, are you trying to avoid the jungle of troublemakers as well?" At first Sera was confused, not even comprehending that the brunette beauty had asked her a question. Finally gathering her thoughts she went to answer.

"Yes actually, I just needed a minute of peace before returning to my classroom." She wasn't sure admitting to a teacher that she was ditching class was a good thing, but she couldn't help but admire the woman for trying to strike up a conversation with someone who could potentially give her a ton of grief in the future.

"I completely understand. In the hour I've been here at least ten senior boys have hit on me, I can't believe their courage. Too bad I play for the same team." The woman winked playfully and it finally occurred to Sera that this new vice principal actually thought she was a teacher. "So what class do you teach?"

Not knowing what else to say the young girl looked away awkwardly and informed the woman that she was, in fact, a student. Ms. Mills turned a deep shade of pink and choked on air, finally realizing that the conversation she had just engaged in was entirely inappropriate.

"I'm so sorry you just look so much more..mature. Oh god I just told you I was lesbian! Oh my god I'm going to be fired on my first official day!.." The woman rambled on and on in a panic and Sera immediately felt bad for her.

Realizing she would have to calm the babbling woman before anyone else walked in, Sera grabbed her shoulders and told her, "Don't worry, the past five minutes did not happen. No one will ever find out this conversation occurred." The woman stared at her shocked, completely forgetting there was another person in the room. When her words sunk in, Ms. Mills visibly calmed down, her body relaxing completely as she saw the truth in the young girls eyes.

Ms Mills smiled gratefully before releasing herself from the young woman's grasp. "Thank you so much, I seriously can't afford to loose this job. You really are more mature than any high schooler I've ever met. I'm going to go back to my office before I do anything else to jeopardize my career." Both women laughed slightly, before they both exited the bathroom, each giving the other small parting smiles before walking in opposite directions.

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