"Damn, that water is cold," I opened my eyes to see Lauren and Mason
sitting down on their towels.
Lauren continued,
while brushing her wet hair,
"I think my toes are frozen."

Mason and I both laughed at her overdramatic complains and I remembered to tell them about Elijah joining us.

Parting my lips, ready to mention his soon the be present soul, the ringtone of my phone beat me to it.

'I'll be there in 10.
See you soon, lovely.'

Read the message and I put down my phone, apparently smiling a bit too obvious when I heard Mason his question.

"What are you smiling about?"
I sat up straight and fiddled with some straps on my bag.

"Well, remember that boy I told you guys about? The one I met in the train?"

Mason nodded
and Lauren jumped up,
"Oh my god, is he finally meeting us? And I look like this!"

I laughed at her craziness and calmed her down. She sat down again and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Lauren, you look good.
But yes, he is coming this way."

Mason turned his attention towards his girlfriend, kissing her and saying,
"You always look good."

The both of them told me a story of what they just witnessed of a lady with her missing son. Eventually the found the kid on the other side of the beach playing in the sand.

My eyes searched the area and my eyes fell on Elijahs posture. His eyes were busy searching for us.

"He is there, but he does not see us.
I will get him," I said to Lauren and Mason. They looked over at where I was pointing to and both nod their hands.

My feet walked up to him, still dissapearing into the sand and I struggled to walk fast. When I was almost with him, his eyes landed on me and he smiled.

He started walking towards me and I waited for him. His tall long legs bringing him to me.

Arrived he pulled me in for a strong hug and his muscular arms were wrapped around my tiny frame. I got pushed against him and I heard him chuckle. Kissing me on top of my head, he let me go.

"Hey beautiful, long time no see. Everything alright?"

He looked down at me as I looked up at him, our difference in height being evident. The comforting look of his eyes invading mine.

"I am good. You?"

I noticed he was even more tanned than the last time I saw him and I secretly melt away. My eyes scanning him rather quickly, afraid of being caught, he clears his throat.

"Better, now I see you here in your swimwear," he scanned my body,
"never felt better, actually."

I rolled with my eyes and nudged him in a playful manner. He chuckled again and once again gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Come on," I took his hand and pointed to my friends,
"let's introduce you."

I pulled him with me and as soon as we reached our destination,
Lauren started wiggling
her eyebrows like a fool. Her fooling smile blinding all of us and I already could her thoughts.

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