Chapter 13

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A/N: Hey guys! I know, twice in one day! Well this chapter is short and its kind of just a fill in to tell you what happens between Juliet and her parents. But I am hoping to finish the BOOK this weekend. I have a feeling you will like what is coming after I finish the book.  The rest of the chapters (should be 2 or 3) will be very short. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter even though it is SUPER short.


All I could think about was getting to the inn and apologizing to my parents for the way I acted the night before. I ran as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast considering I just had given birth not a week ago. I got to the inn just as they were finishing packing the wagon for their journey. My mother was the first one who saw me. She ran up to me had held my shoulder and I tried to catch my breath. My father came up to us. "Juliet, is everything alright? Are you okay?" My father asked. I leaped up and hugged him. "I'm sorry," I whispered in his ear as tears came streaming down my face. He only hugged me tighter and I knew he had forgiven me. My mother stood there with her hand on her neck. She sounded like she was sobbing. I let go of my father and helped them finish packing. I hugged them both good-bye and told them to be safe. I waved them off and went to see if the Montagues had left already, which they had.

~One Hour Later~

I opened the door to the house and saw Romeo with Farah in his arms and he was reading a piece of paper, that I assumed was the news. He saw me and put the paper down. He sat up and made room for me. I took Farah from his arms and sat down. "How did it go. Did you catch them?" Romeo asked me. I told him the little bit of what happened. He took my hand in his and held it tight. "Oh, I forgot. I have to tell you something." Romeo said. I don't know why but those words made me nervous. Probably because every time someone has to tell me something, it is bad news.


Juliet looked nervous. I squeezed her hand to tell her not to worry. "Remember when I went to town to find a job when we go here?" Juliet nodded. "Well someone came by today when you were with your parents and offered me a job as a butcher. It doesn't pay as high as some other jobs but at least we won't be living on what our parents gave us." Juliet was so happy for me. "I am so proud of you," she said. She hugged me with the one arm she had free. Juliet was swaying the baby and I was reading the news of the town. Then, Farah started crying and Juliet went to feed her. Juliet had put Farah down for a nap after she ate. While Juliet was feeding the baby, I was preparing dinner for us. Juliet walked into the kitchen and sat down. I gave her a plate with fruit, bread, and cheese. We ate and talked for the longest time. After eating, we cleaned the house and went to sleep, waiting for the days to come with our new family.

The Un-tragic Story of Romeo and JulietWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt