Chapter 11

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Romeo and I looked at each other. Was something wrong? Did something happen to them or our family? Was everyone okay? I started to panic and think the worst. Romeo took my hand and squeezed it. He saw the panic in my eyes. I was so terrified as to what my mother was going to say. Obviously all of them had come up with this because they were all looking at each other and wondering who should tell us. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Lord Montague sat down and said, "This was not an easy decision, but we were wondering how you would like it if we moved to Mantua to be with you and the baby." I looked at Romeo. He looked just as confused as I was. "Wow. I wasn't expecting this," Romeo explained. "It's... wow. That's so nice of you to offer that, but we couldn't let you leave your lives in Verona just for us." Romeo looked at me and I nodded in agreement. "Well, you did," Lady Montague said. "Romeo had to go, but Juliet, it was your choice as to if you left everything and followed." "We want to spend more tie with our children and grandchild," my father said. "Well, if that's really what you want, then we can't stop you from that, now can we?" I said as I looked at Romeo to see what he had to say about the situation. "It's your choice. We would love it if you did, but we don't want us to be the only reason you move." They all looked at each other. This made me very nervous. I would love it so much if they did move, but like Romeo said, they have so much in Verona that they would leave behind. I took Romeo's hand in mine and held it tight, with Farah in my other arm sound asleep. "Well then," said Lady Capulet. "It's settled. We are moving to Mantua!" Romeo got up and hugged them. We were very excited for them. "Where will you live?" I asked. "We will stay for a week and then go back to pack. During the week we will find houses suitable for our needs. We will stay in Verona for two months and then come back." I looked at Romeo. "Wow. You have really thought this through,'' Romeo said. Farah, who was asleep, started squirming in my arms. I knew she was going to wake up so I had to calm her before she did. "Shhhhhh. Farah, shhhhhhh." I cradled her and brought her close to my chest and hummed to a random tune. Everyone fell silent, knowing I was calming my newborn. She quickly fell asleep and we remained silent for the few minutes to follow. "Well, Lord Montague, I think it's time we go and leave these three alone," Lady Montague said. Romeo went to say goodbye to his parents while mine said goodbye to me. It was nice having them around, but it was even better to get alone time with our daughter. Romeo and I talked about the new situation with our parents and our new life with our child. It was so good to finally just have alone time with my husband because since our parents came to town, we haven't been alone to just talk. I treasured the moment, knowing it wouldn't last forever.


When our parents finally left, Juliet and I got some alone time with our daughter, even though she was asleep. "So, what do you think about our parents moving to Mantua?'' Juliet asked me. I hadn't had much time to think about it. "Well, I-I I don't know,'' is all I managed to get out. "I'm glad that they are happy, but I don't want them to move here because of us. I know they want to be around us and our new family, I just don't want them to make a decision they will regret. They have such a good life in Verona and they shouldn't have to give that up." Juliet looked at me, her eyes with tears, and agreed. "I was thinking the same thing. I don't want them to ruin the perfect lives they are living. I just hope they realize this before it's too late." Juliet admitted. We heard the door close and I caught a glimpse of a woman running out the hospital. "It was a woman. I have a fear that it was one of our parents." Juliet looked at me, "You should go after her Romeo. If it's one of our mother's they would be upset. Go." I left to follow the woman and I understood where she was headed. She was headed for the inn our parents were staying at. She went into the Capulet's room.

Lady Capulet

"I don't want them to ruin the perfect lives they are living. I just hope they realize this before it's too late," Juliet said from her hospital bed when I was coming in to check on her. I heard those words come out of my daughter's mouth and tears formed in my eyes. If they didn't want us here then hey should have told us. Oh, but only if they knew the real reason why we are leaving Verona. A tear slid down my cheek as the door slammed shut behind me when I ran out. I hope nobody saw me. I flew out the door and ran back to the inn, my face bloated and teary. I pushed the room door open and slammed it shut. I start sobbing into my husbands sleeve, "THEY DON'T WANT US!!!" Lord Capulet looked at me in confusion. "ROMEO AND JULIET DON'T WANT US HERE!!! I HEARD JULIET SAY THAT SHE DOESN'T WANT US TO RUIN OUR PERFECT LIVES IN VERONA!!! If only they knew." My husband's warm hand brushed the tears off my cheek and started to stroke my hair when we heard a knock at the door. Lord Capulet got up and opened the door. In the doorway stood Romeo with his hands rubbing together nervously. I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up. "May I come in?" Romeo looked sad and distraught. Lord Capulet looked at me questioningly. "Yes , of course Romeo. Please come in,'' I told him as he stepped into our quaint room at the inn. "I'm going to go on a walk. I'll be back before dusk,'' Lord Capulet told us and left. "Please sit," I told Romeo and guided him to the foot of the bed. "I'm sorry if you heard any of that at the hospital," Romeo said. I looked away, feeling more tears come into my eyes from the night's earlier events. Romeo put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "Juliet and I, well we just don't want you to make a mistake by moving here and leaving your lives back in Verona." I looked at him. Had he not heard the news in the town? "Your parents and I will explain everything tomorrow okay Romeo. Please go back and be with your family tonight. Thank you for coming." I hugged Romeo goodnight and he left. This made the news even worse to tell. They had no idea of what was happening in Verona.

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