Unlikely Meeting

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The team had gotten a mission from Batman to check out a suspicious government building. Batman had told them it was a stealth mission and they weren't supposed to use their comms. None of them knew why Batman wanted them to check it out but Robin had a few guesses.

The team was walking through the woods and they were getting close to the building. Then they saw something in the darkness, a faint light that looked vaguely human shaped. As they got closer they saw that it actually was a person and they looked horrible.

They had a hand holding a spot just below their sternum and were clutching onto it like they'd split open if they let go. They were breathing heavily, it sounded like they were having trouble getting air into their lungs. They were shaking a little and looked like they would collapse at any moment and they were leaning against a tree.

The person heard them and growled, none of them thought a human should be able to make that noise. "Stay away from me." They could see the persons face, it was a boy and he was about Robin's age which was sixteen. He was pale, had a strange green liquid dripping out of the corner of his mouth, and sounded tired.

It also sounded like he was losing his voice, likely from using it to much, and he coughed a little after he spoke. Artemus put her hands up, "Relax, we aren't going to hurt you."

She tried taking a step and the boy glared at her, "I said stay away from me." The look in his eyes told them not to mess with him, he was hurt but he still had some fight in him. Artemis backed up a little and the boy stopped glaring at her, it didn't look like he wanted to hurt them.

Aqualad looked straight at the boy but he didn't move any closer, "We just want to help."

The boy laughed, it was harsh and showed that he didn't believe him, "Yeah right. You're with them aren't you? You're just here to take me back to that damn place, I'm not going back so you can forget it."

The teens looked at each other and Megan looked concerned, "Who's them?"

The boy swayed a little, he looked horrible, "Like you don't know." The boy looked like he was going to say more but shouting came from behind him and he turned just in time to get shot. The boy stopped himself from falling at the last second and he growled as several people dressed in nothing but white showed up.

The boy looked at all of them and he tsked, one of the people fired at the boy again and he dodged it. He ran at the person that shot at him and he took the gun from them and punched them in the face. Several people fired at him and the boy dodged the shots with an unearthly grace.

The boy took the guns and fought the people but one person managed to shoot his leg and he fell to his knees. The boy tried to get up but his leg wouldn't support his weight and the person pointed their gun at him. The boy looked at them and his eyes widened a little, Robin threw a disk at them and the person dropped the gun.

The boy looked at him before he looked back at the person and used his uninjured leg to swipe the persons feet out from under them. The boy got up and grabbed the persons white coat and threw them at the last few people that were still standing. The people fell and the boy ran towards them, "Run!"

The team didn't need to be told twice and they all ran away from the people with the boy right behind them. Once they were far enough away from the agents that they felt safe they stopped and the boy was coughing. No one got close to him in case he got angry again, they didn't want to do anything that might make his condition worse.

Once the boy stopped he looked at them, "Who are you?" He didn't sound angry or suspicious, just tired.

Kid Flash smiled, "I'm Kid Flash, this is Robin, Aqualad, Artemus, Miss Martian, and Superboy." Each person waved when their name was called, all except Superboy who just crossed his arms. The boy looked at all of them and no one could tell what emotions were hidden in his eyes.

He tried to speak but he coughed and something green came from his mouth and fell to the ground. The boy tried to breath but it was shallow and strained, he swayed again but this time he fell to the ground. Everyone panicked and Robin ran over to check his pulse, "He doesn't have a pulse."

Superboy looked confused, "Then why is he breathing?" Robin heard him breathing and when he looked he saw his chest rising and falling with each labored breath he took. Robin was confused but he pushed it to the back of his mind, he needed help and soon or he wouldn't make it.

Robin looked at his teammates, "We need to get him out of here, he'll die if he doesn't get help." They all nodded and Superboy picked the boy up and the went to the bio-ship as fast as they could. The boy woke up when they got to the ship, they were already flying away as his eyes opened.

He was buckled into one of the chairs and the seat belt was agitating his wounds, the ship turned and he hissed. He tried getting the seat belt off but it wouldn't come off, Robin noticed that he was awake. "What are you doing?"

The boy glared at him, "Trying to get this damn seat belt off, it hurts." Miss Martian unlocked the seat belt and the boy winced but he soon lost consciousness again. Miss Martian had the ship going at it's top speed but the flight still felt way to long, even thought it only took half an hour.

When they got to Mt. Justice Robin picked up the boy and raced to the medical wing. The rest of the team went to contact Batman but he already used the zeta tubes and was walking into the room. "What happened?"

KF raced over to him, "We were going to that building you told us to check out when we ran into this guy and he was hurt. These weird guys dressed in white showed up and started shooting at him so he fought them. We got away and the guy passed out so we brought him here to help him, Robin's with him right now."

Batman walked past the team and went to the medical wing to find Robin. While KF had been telling Batman what happened the boy woke up again and he looked at Robin. "Where am I?"

Robin looked worried, "Somewhere safe, you need medical attention."

The boy just looked away from him, "Don't bother it'll heal, I've survived worse." Robin gave him a confused look and he stared at him for a minute, he was about to speak but the door opened.

Batman stepped into the room and saw the boy, "Who are you?"

The boy didn't answer, he wouldn't even look at him and Batman mentally sighed. He looked at Robin who nodded and the two left the room leaving the strange boy alone.

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