"He does have a point." Fishlegs conceded at that. "We passed the bar of weird and impossible a while ago."

"And what do you mean about three groups lad?" Gobber now asked. "I thought it was only that weird group your parents joined and the police."

"Well it seemed that Dagur didn't know Camicazi." Hiccup stated. "So we can assume that someone else is also interested in Astrid's items. Where is Dagur anyway?" He then asked not seeing the crazy man.

"We threw him in the bathroom when he tried to make a run for it." The twins proclaimed proudly.

"Did you lock the bathroom door?" Hiccup asked the beaming twins.

"Of course my brother locked it." Ruffnut huffed.

"I thought you locked it." Tuffnut said.

"What! I told you to lock it!" Ruffnut shouted before headbutting her brother.

"So no one locked it?!" Hiccup yelled before dashing off in the direction of the bathroom. He yanked the door open to see that the window above the toilet was open and that Dagur seemed to have crawled out of it. Hiccup cursed in every language he knew, which were a lot, and Fishlegs blushed when he understood a few of the chinese ones.

"Well this sucks." Snotlout muttered.

"Hiccup" Astrid suddenly said. "Did Dagur not realize that the door was left unlocked?" This caused Hiccup to stop and look at Astrid before he broke out in uncontrollable laughter.

Once Hiccup was done laughing he looked to see the others watching him curiously. He waved them off when his stomach growled loudly.

"I think we could all use some grub." Gobber said as he proceeded to the kitchen. "I'll do the cooking."

"Wait, aren't you worried that they'll find us now that Dagur has escaped?" Fishlegs asked to which Gobber shrugged.

"We still have some time with the city being in chaos." Gobber shrugged. "And it's no use thinking on an empty stomach." He said patting his belly.

"So...." Snotlout said as he sat next to Fishlegs and opposite to Hiccup and Astrid on the couch. The twins took a seat on the carpet while Stoick and Valka sat on the ottoman. Gobber was in the kitchen area but could still hear them.

"So...." Hiccup said while looking at everyone.

"So...." Snotlout said again as he laced his fingers together while staring at Hiccup and Astrid.

"Will you just come out and ask!" Fishlegs grumbled next to him. "We've all been wanting to know more!!"

"Alright alright!!" Snotlout muttered as the twins laughed at him. "So who was that crazy hot chick, what was that giant dragon, the whole shooting fireballs thing and what was that you said about Odin?"

"Wauw, Snotman actually asked what we were all thinking." Tuffnut laughed.

"Wait what did you think I was going to ask?" Snotlout grumbled.

"If the crazy hot chick was single." Ruffnut giggled as she winked at Snotlout. This caused the others to roll their eyes.

"Is that why you guys let me go first?" Snotlout questioned.

"Well.... Yeah." Ruffnut admitted. "We have to get our kicks somewhere."

Hiccup was translating everything for Astrid who rolled her eyes and then said "I don't mind them knowing about Camicazi now or the Dragon ring. It actually would be better if they did know."

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