Chapter 6 - Breakfast Dinner

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Blue stopped in his tracks with a weird smirk. I stared at him tilting my head. He turned around, so being the follower I usually am, I did the same. He hoped down a few steps that was hidden in the fog. I walked down them carefully. Blue turned around lifting up something and I heard Asriel yelp as the mask was removed from his face.

"The village stalker." Blue said crossing his arms.

"I-I'm not a stalker." Asriel shuddered.

"You were following us." I stated.

"We're hunting banana slugs." Asriel than said.

"What do you mean we?" I asked him.
Asriel was holding a flower pot in the other hand we couldn't see, it was that yellow flower with a face I saw the first day Blue and I explored.

"That's just a flower, with a face painted on it." Blue said.

The flower moved a bit.

"And it moved..." Blue slowly said.

Asriel took the weird mask from Blue and put it back on his face and searched beneath the fog.

"So those dolls, did you make it look like us?" Blue asked in a sudden.

"No. I found them like that." Asriel said.

"They were both skeletons, both had the same rain coats we wore when we first meet you." Blue sounded frustrated a bit.

Asriel used the tolls he held and picked up a slug, "Look at slugzilla." He held it out in front of us both.

"Your just like him." I sighed as Blue pushed the slug out of his face.

Asriel looked concerned and looked at the slug.

"Our brother, he dosen't listen to us either." Blue yelled.

"Uh-huh, take this." Asriel handed me a camera.

He started doing poses with the slug, I won't lie, it was a bit funny. He took it back and put it into his coat then threw the slug behind him.

"You know, I've never been in the Pink Palace." Asriel then said looking at us.

"Your kidding?" Blue questioned.

"Mom would kill me if I went into there." Asriel said.

"Why?" I asked suddenly out of nowhere.

"My Mom had a twin sister, she said she was stolen." Asriel explained.

"Stolen?" Blue asked.

"Yeah, but I think she ran away." Asriel said hopping onto his motorcycle.

"Why?" I then asked.

"I don't know."

"Asriel!" I heard his mother call.

"Look, I have to go." The goat said as he started the motorcycle.

"Wait!" Blue yelled as Asriel rolled off.

Blue held cheese and placed it in front of my door as he cracked the door open.

"What are you doing?" I tilted my head.

"You know, the mice, spiders, whatever will maybe come again." Blue said sprinkling a big crumb down then putting his arms to his side's.

"Yeah, to get to them?" I asked him.

He nodded before walking out, "If they do come let's meet in the hall." He then countined to walk towards his room.

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