Chapter 5 - Nabstabot and Mettaton

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Photo was made skylerlas

Blue started walking.

"Huh? Where are you going?" I asked following him.

He looked at me and turned forward, "Getting my stuff."

"What stuff?" I put my arms to my side.

He walked over to the car and cut the two ropes, surprisingly.

He took the box off the car and opened it. I kept back from him.

"You never got all your stuff, Blue?" I then asked.

"Eh... Not really." Blue said opening up the box, it appeared to be a hat.

I swing my arms around.

Blue placed what it appeared to be cop hat on his head.

"Come on Y/N, we have to go check out the weirdos downstairs." Blue said taking my hand.

"Okay, no need to drag me." I said as he let go of my hand.

I headed down the staircase before him. There knocking thingy was the comedy and tradegy face on it. I used it to knock.

"Papyrus did say they acted." Blue said.

"This place is giving off creepy vibes." I said shuddering.

"Doesn't this whole place give you creepy vibes, starting with that doll." Blueberry said to me with a loud booming voice.

I nodded. Blue walked up to the window and peeked in.

"I don't see an-" It was one of the robots that scared him.

"Oh, Hello Sans and Y/N." I think it was Mettaton.

"Come in, come in." Mettaton said with a smile.

I followed behind Blue entering the room.

I took off my raincoat showing my gray shirt. Blue had done the the same.

"Y/N, look at this poster. I guess they were actors." Blue said.

I stood at his side staring at it. I guess it was a show.

Blue grabbed my hand and followed Mettaton.

"Mettaton, I believe you have two children following you." Nabstabot said.

I stared at him tilting my head.

"It the new neighbors, Nabstabot." Mettaton said, "Y/N and Sans. They'll be having the special tea."

"Tea?" Blue asked.

"Alright Mettaton." Nabstabot said walking I guess to the kitchen.

I sat down on the couch following Blue's lead.

Mettaton started talking about something. Nabstabot came back with a tray candy and two cups of tea.

"This is hand pulled taffy, best in the world. Go on and have some." Nabstabot said.

He walked away.

I grabbed a piece and tried to take it but it was stuck to my hand.

"Blue, it's stuck." I whined.

Blue grabbed it with both his hands and tried yanking it off.

"So sticky." He mumbled.

"Hold up." I said.

He let go of it.

"Move aside." I said as he stood up.

I used my boot and both hands to get it off. It shot straight up sticking to the cieling.

"Oops." I said.

"I'll read it if you'd like." Mettaton said standing in front of us.

"Huh? What will you read?" Blue asked glaring at me then to him.

"Oh, I will read you your future." Mettaton replied.

"How?" I asked a bit still in shocked about the taffy.

"Each of you drink some tea." Mettaton said.

We both took a cup and started to drink it.

"Not all of it, not all." Mettaton said.

We drunk a bit slower, "Hand it over."
Mettaton looked at Blue's then at mine, "Oh dear, Sans, Y/N. Both of you are in great danger."

"Danger?" Me and Blue said at the same time.

"Let me take a look at it aswell." Nabstabot said snatching both if them out if Mettaton's hand.

He shaked it a big, "He's right."

The taffy fell down and shattered, "Sorry." I said quietly.

"What should we do?" Blue asked.

"Be very careful you two." Mettaton just said.

"Was there something you came too tell us?" Nabstabot asked.

"Uh... No, I guess not." Blue stood up once again.

"Thanks for the tea." I thanked.

Me and Blue walked away and out the door. It had gotten more foggy. We walked up the steps and we're heading back to the house.

Buttontale (Child!Reader Insert) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang