"Why, of course.... Love."


"Thomas, you work yourself too hard."  Todd rasped, glancing over at the Sheriff who was face down on the counter. "Did you even sleep last night?" He grunted, noting the dark circles under his blue eyes when he lifted his head up. Thomas gave him a cold glare, slanting his eyes. "You're not my mother." He scoffed, sitting up. Todd let out an amused chuckle, tilting his eyebrow. "No, but I do care about your well-being sheriff."

Thomas rolled his eyes, leaning onto the counter. "Yeah yeah, just hand me another whiskey." Todd shook his head. "No can do Sheriff, you've had way too much to drink recently. Keep it up and you'll end up shitfaced, 6 feet under ground."

Thomas frowned, letting out a slight whine. Todd cracked a grin, seeing Thomas slump back onto the counter. "I hate you." He grumbled, closing his eyes again. Flicking Thomas with a wet rag, Todd let out a scoff. "No sleeping in the daytime Sheriff! Stand up if you need to." He hissed, placing his hands on his hips.

Whining and pouting, Thomas slowly rose up before slumping over on the wall near the stairs. He gave Todd a cold glare, before tilting his hat over his eyes crossing his arms. Todd sighed softly, turning away. He swore that man was going to be the death of him.

Turning towards the shelf of whiskeys, Todd began to sort through them putting them in order by most to least popular. His right ear perked up at the sound of the doors opening wide. Turning on his heel, he leaned forward onto the counter. "What'll it be?"

"I'll have a beer please!" The stranger purred, sitting onto the stool. He had a beautiful smile that practically lit up the whole entire room. His big brown eyes were shining with determination and energy.

He seemed like a good fellow - He had clean brown hair that was cut nicely, his clothing was neatly pressed and washed, not a stain in sight. He was a little chubby, it was obvious he had never done an honest day of work. 

Sliding over a beer to the stranger, the man took a sip before wiping off the foam on his upper lip. "The name is Gold," He grinned, leaning forward as he stuffed his left hand into the inside of his vest. "Detective Edward Gold."  Pulling out a picture of a ginger man sitting in a flower garden, he let out a sharp breath. "I'm here looking for a member of the British Royal Family. He's gone missing, you see." He stated firmly, looking Todd straight in the eyes.

Thomas jumped into the conversation, stealing the Detective's attention. "Was he nailed to the floor?" He asked roughly, walking over to the Detective. The chubby man looked confused, tilting his head to the side. "Um, no?"

"Then he was taken by bandits." He said flatly, taking a swig of whiskey from his flask. Todd was both amused and irritated by Thomas' actions. He was amused by the Sheriff's little idea that if you nail something down, a bandit won't take it and he was irritated that the Sheriff was drinking alcohol for the 6th time today.

Edward's eyes lightened up, leaning forward as he studied the sheriff. "How do you know?" He whispered in awe, looking star struck. The look he was giving the sheriff made Todd uncomfortable, but he let it slide. The man sounded British - Maybe it was a British thing to be this friendly.

Pulling the flask away from his lips, Thomas let out a grunt. "Anything that ain't nailed down gets taken by bandits around here." He growled, irritation clear in his voice. The Detective pulled away, his eyes filled with shock. "Oh... Have you told the sheriff?" He asked, looking at him hopefully.

Thomas flicked up his hat to give the Detective a better look at his face. "I am the sheriff." The British man brightened up with joy, leaning in towards the Sheriff that had Todd nearly climbing over the counter to give him a piece of his mind. Fortunately, he held his temper. "Ah! Sheriff Thompson. I was told you'd be willing to help me-"

"Sorry kid, but you ain't gettin' your friend back" Thomas declared, his face was serious but emotionless. The stare he was giving the detective sent shivers down Todd's spine. The chubby man frowned, tilting his head. "Why?"

Looking away, Thomas folded his arms. "This town's got enough problems as it is. I ain't got time to deal with yours." He sighed, shaking his head. Edward rubbed his chin, before perking up with interest. "Wait! What if I helped you clean up this town?" He chirped, giving Thomas a hopeful glare. "I don't need your help!" Thomas hissed in agitation, glaring at Edward. Todd only tilted his head back, watching the situation unravel. He had to admit - Thomas was a little spitfire.

Just then, a fellow citizen barged into the saloon, gripping tightly onto his hat. "Sheriff! Sheriff! The bandits stole all the nails!" His high-pitched voice screamed, Thomas' giving him a shocked expression. His face quickly dropped into annoyance, rolling his eyes. "Oh, I knew I should have nailed down those nails, they all called me crazy, but look what happens." Edward leaned in, resting his chin on Thomas' shoulder giving him puppy eyes. Leaning his head back, Thomas groaned. "Fine..." He groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Yay!" Edward piped, fist bumping the air. "Follow me." The sheriff grumbled leading the detective out of the saloon.

Todd stood behind the counter, looking blankly at the doors. He had a feeling Thomas wouldn't be coming around for a while.

//A/N: Sorry it's shitty XP

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