"Good, you're up too." Rick says to Carl and Carl nods.

"Well I will let you know that we are going on a run today. Nothing too big. There are some other cabins near by and I just wanted to stock up on more food now that we have extra people." He says and leaves us in the kitchen alone.

I sit at the table, staring off into space as Carl silently sits and eats his food. I haven't looked up to see what he's eating so I don't know. I glance up and see he's eating lucky charms. I chuckle quietly and he looks up at me.

I shake my head at his question and get up from the table.

"I'm gonna go see if there's any walkers I need to clear out around here." I say and walk out the small kitchen door. I don't give him anytime to reply to me so I don't know if he cared or not...
Last time I left by myself I came back with my sister and three other girls... Probably not the best decision but I'll try not to pick up any hitch hikers this time.







After about 10 minutes, bow loaded and ready for anything- there's nothing.
Or at least, nothing close enough to be harmful to us at the moment.
I walk back in, and this time, Michonne, Rick, Carl, and Alissa sit at the table, looking at a map.

"So if we go down this way we can get to the north cabin on that road, circling back on this short road here. Maybe taking about 2 hours if there are no problems." Alissa says, pointing and running her finger along different places on the map.

"Mmm." Michonne hums and shakes her head as she points to one of the roads Alissa had pointed to. "That roads blocked off, bout 4 trees fell during that storm the other night." They sit there and stare at the map for a second. I step between Carl and Alissa who are sitting next to each other and point to the map.

"We take 75 there and loop around here. There's a strip mall on this road, maybe we'll find something there." I step back to look at Rick for approval and he nods.

"Sounds good. Should we wake up the others and tell them the plans?" He asks, more to all of us than any certain person.

We all nod and then are on our way around the house. I go into mine and Hallie's room, intending to wake her up, but she's already awake. I watch her turn around to look at me, a shocked expression on her face. I can tell she's only in a bra but that doesn't phase me since she is my sister. But what I do notice is that she shoves a baggy shirt on extremely fast, almost immediately after I walk into the room.
I furrow my eyebrows at her in question but she waves it off.

"What was everyone talking about out there? I heard y'all talking." She asks, struggling to get her shoes on.

"We are going on a run soon..." I trail off staring at Hallie trying to shove her feet into shoes that seem a little too small.

"Do you need new shoes?" I ask.

"No- I - no I'm fine. I-- got it!" She says getting her second shoe onto her foot. "My feet have just been a little bulky lately. No biggie." She says with a faint country accent. She'd always had more of an accent than I ever did. Not saying I don't have one, but mine only really shows when I'm yelling at someone. I nod at her and grab my bag from the floor. Hallie is strangely quiet as she grabs her stuff too.

Why is she acting so weird? I can tell she's trying to avoid looking at me. What the hell is her problem? I shrug and walk out the room where I see a sleepy Lauren and Sage waking up and putting stuff into their bags.
"You guys know the plan?" I ask, setting my bags down on a chair.
"Yep! Carl told us." Lauren says, stopping everything just to look up at him and give him a smile, which he slightly returns.
What the hell was that?
That little 'smug gesture'. It sets me on edge. And that little happy tone change in her voice 'Carl told us' *giggle giggle*. And some reason, I get that jealousy toward her the same as I did when I saw them laughing on the ground together. What were they even laughing about? No one ever told me.
I shake off my thoughts and head into the kitchen.

"Are we leaving our things here? Or bringing them with us?" I ask Rick and Michonne who were helping each other get things into their bags.

"Um... Leave your things here but bring an empty bag. Maybe a jacket too? I'm not sure how long we'll be gone." Rick says. I nod and head back into the living room and told everyone. We finally all had our things together when Rick and Michonne walk into the room.

"Alright. Let's head out." Rick says and we all get up. Little did I know that this day would change everything.

Almost Broken: Carl Grimes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now