Abigail's First Week at LPS

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Abigail’s  P.O.V

Tomorrow is my first day at Liverdale Public School. As always I bet I won’t study here for more than a week. Mainly because, I am a bit too aggressive to people who irritate me. Everyone gets irritated when someone comments on the clothes you wear, the way you sit and all that. The fact that I was trained in martial arts at young age makes my reaction a bit harsh.  I was never considered a girl by anyone. Not even a person who knows nothing else than my name. Mainly because I was brought up that way. My father used to treat me like a boy. He is the coolest dad on earth! He never sent me for dance classes. Instead I learnt skateboarding. And once when my grandmother forced him to sent me for ballet classes, I didn’t even go there for a week! When my dad came to meet my teacher, he saw me practicing karate in the karate class next door. He didn’t freak out but patted me and said, “That’s my baby girl.” He seemed quite proud.

I don’t have any best friends. If you ask me why, I had say it might be because of the way I am. And frankly speaking, I have never had feelings for any guys.  Love is so not my sort of thing.  Loneliness hits me at times, but my big brothers have always been there for me at those situations. 

Many people have asked me to change myself, change my ways. But what I think is that people should accept me the way I am and not fit me into their frames. That me would be so not Abigail Rousseau.  these are thoughts that hit me every time I'm in front of the mirror after someone comments on the way I am. I am tired of their disgust, the way they wanna change me and make me so not me. 

I go to bed and curl under my blanket,  taking an oath to never chage myself and keep my bully spirit on. I don't wanna regret for the way I am just 'cause people think I'm weird.  

*Next Day*

Well, according to my  “Analysiz”,I won’t be able to stay in this weird school for two straight days.

As  I walk through the  hallway a bunch of girls were staring at me.

They ask, “What’s up, dork?” in an insulting tone. I  tryi to control my anger and try not to freak out on that girl ‘cause it’s my policy not to punch, kick or thrust any girl on the first day of my new school.  Even if people don't change their attitude towards me, I wanted to atleast try to make a different opinion about myself. Who would ever want to get expelled from school on the very first day?!

So I thought of moving on since it was almost time for bell. But were they even going to stop? Another girl of the same 'too-fashionable' group, more fashionable and PINK than the first one, said, “Have you ever been to a fashion store?? Like where do you get such disgusting clothes???Makes me wanna throw up! “ 

I couldn’t control anymore…Any girl wouldn't be able to control herself in such a situation. And when it comes to bullies, Control isn't included in our dictionary. We don't use dictionaries, duh! 

“I would like to be the dork I'm. I surely don't need tips on clothing from a Fashion diva like you!”  And I punch right on her stomach and she pukes!! GROSS!!!! She was bragging about her new PERFECT FASHIONABLE TEEN WEAR and now look at her..

Okay! And after that scene everyone was looking at me like I murdered her or whatsoever. My attempts to atleast control the terror I have in me fails on the very first day. GREAT! 

As I  walk down the hallway a girl joins me to my Geometry class. She says, “Um…Hey! Am Amanda. And you know what? You hit the most famous girl of the ninth grade, Arianna Schlowski. Every guy in the ninth grade has a crush on her except THE GhP’s."  I reply, “Hey!! I am Abigail. Call me Abby… nice meeting you. By the way what is GhP’s??”   I really wated  to know about them. She said, “They are the bully gang of LPS.  No one ever dares to talk against them. They are nice but they do not mingle with anyone outside the group unless they are mad at the person and wants to take revenge on ‘em.”  I laughed and replied, “Sounds like I am gonna have some same-type friends over here.”

Meanwhile the GhP’s have already noticed Abigail. They are really impressed about her since she is the only girl who has ever hit Arianna. More importantly, they were happy to see one girl who could stand against the whole popular girls bunch an speak for herself. They are trying to get closer to Abigail and want to be friends with her.

Carven’s P.O.V

The new girl at school seems to be kinda different from the rest of the sappy girls at LPS. She is just the type of girl I wanted to be with us in our bully gang, The GhP’s...I notice Seth staring at that girl also.

I ask him, “Are you thinking what I am thinking?” He replied in his always-cool  tone, “If you were thinking about getting close to that new girl and getting her into our gang, then yes I was thinking the same.! “

But when I turn to Jasper, our gang leader, to ask  about her, he  didn’t seem to be interested about the entire scene. But still I couldn’t just avoid asking him about it. So I ask, “Jaass dude, what do you think about that new bully girl? Isn’t she cool enough to be with us? As the 5th GhP? “ Jasper gave me his “Are You nutz ? “ look and reply, “She is so not the bully material.”

And then Craig pushes Jasper back and come in with a look as if he knew a lot more about the girl and all Jasper said was total false..He starts,” U can’t judge a girl that way. Maybe she is totally different from what you think she is…That’s what I think. She is gonna prove Jasper wrong very soon!! “ Craig patted Jasper and continued,”Jaspy baby, I have a very strong feeling that you are gonna be proved wrong for the very first time..And she is the one who is gonna do it...Oh my Jaspy!! Be ready to call her into our gang!” Jasper smiled and replied, “Let’s see, lad. She is gonna prove that she is just an ordinary girl and all this was fake-attitude.”

Jasper’s P.O.V

That girl might not be a bully material, but I really appreciate the way she stood against them and spoke for herself.  The anger in her eyes is not fake and her voice has got all the heat a real bully should have. But right now if I agree with Craig and tell him that I too think the same about that girl, he will pull my legs. 

I reply, "She might be strong enough to scream at Arianna, but do you think she would have done the same if it was you in Arrianna's place, Craig?" 

Craig looks away. I knew he was confused of what to reply. But Craig suddenly looks up, raises his eyebrows and reply, "Well, I wouldn't make fun of her clothes. I am not a Fashion diva. I am not a girl as well."  Seth, Carven and I look at each other. We alert each other that Craig was on with his lame  jokes. 

At times, I'm so glad that we don't have girlfriends 'cause considering our weirdness, it would have been so difficult for them to cope up with us bullies!  

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