Part Three: 8

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It felt like she emerged from the ground to lie on the grass above and feel the glorious sun on her face. She took one large quaff of air and felt fresh breeze caress her face. The lake was blue, like it was made of one living crystal, eddying in endless flirtation with air and sunshine, reflecting clouds.

The marble statues were clean, and looked brand new. The grasses were lush green and each had a beautiful flower to bloom, their fragrance was to die for. Fresh yellow petals fell form the large neem tree under which Pa Jacob whistling his all-time favourite tune.

Hope got up, "hey!" she called and ran towards the tree. The man looked up. his face was same, but changed in many ways, the hard lines on his face were faint, his eyes sparkled as he smiled. He was still wearing his old jacket and work boot, but there was a lot of difference between the Pa Jacob she'd known and the one over here. "it's awfully early for you to be here Hope." Said the man as she came to a stop before him. She laughed, it was easy, and free, and effortless. She felt so happy and couldn't really tell if it was just the sight of the dead man, or the fact that it seems she was... "Am I dead?" she asked, sitting down by his side. She was staring at the lake again, and she could see they were not alone. A woman was seated on a rock not so far away, her pale face stared longingly at the lake then distracted by a yellow butterfly.

"what's your opinion, what do you know?"

"I don't know what to think. I was at the underground tunnel and we were attacked by shadows and a large cat..."

"Hope," the man interrupted, he looked serious, "tell me, what do you know?"

It took a while to come to a conclusion, but the answer had always been at the tip of her tongue, she knew without knowing how. "I'm not dead." She couldn't tell how exactly she felt about the possibility of living this blissful place behind, "then why can I see you? Am I dreaming, is this all in my head?" she gasped, "my friends, are they dead too?"

"a question at a time sunshine. First, you're here, I'm here, we are here, even if this is in your head, you should know by now that it doesn't make it any less real. And about your friends, it's up to you."

Footfalls approached, Hope looked to her side to see it was Badmus Kenny, he looked... human, not the dead faced apparition but a living, breathing... soul... "Hello Hope. I'm sorry we meet under this circumstances, how do you feel?"

She didn't know if there was any appropriate answer for all the emotion she felt. "like I'm still alive."

"yeah." Kenny sighed, "I thought so."

"if you are dead. You would know." Pa Jacob said. "but you can't stay on this side for long, even for you."

"what is special about me?"

"you've always been special. You should have figured that out by now." Pa Jacob said, "you can hold the same power over us as Louise Junior." He said.

"How? I don't understand."

"of course you do." they materialized out of nowhere, two women, one on each side. Beside Pa Jacob sat the woman that spoke, a petit woman with a sweet smile. Pa Jacob was holding her hand and Hope felt like looking away from the way the couple rubbed their forehead together. "I am Mariah." She said, a knowing smile lingered in those wise eyes, "Jacob had told me so much about you. We've been watching."

"they more like told me so much about you." Said Pa Jacob.

"You are a descendant of the line of Santiago, and right now you are the only one young enough to take on Louise Junior, and take your place." Said the white woman by the side of Kenny Badmus. She looked exactly like she did in Hope's dreams, like the statue by the lake.

All Hope could saw was, "He found you."

The woman nodded, "Sadly, at great cost." She looked at the distant lake, "I loved Santiago, he loved me so much he couldn't let go." She didn't particularly happy about the last part. "this place traps souls, no one knows exactly how or why, those old enough to know have forgotten if they ever knew. Ever since Santiago got the land, discovered that cave, and inherited the curse, only him holds the sway over all the souls trapped through the ages. He could free us, but he couldn't let go."

"you have known loss and learnt to accept it. there is no better human to take on Louise Junior than you." said Kenny.

Listening to him talk as if he's known her didn't sit quite well. "you know nothing about me."

"there's so much I didn't know," he said, "I was just a shell."

The rage waned. "so you are all trapped." Hope asked. "and you think I can set you free."

"if you so wish." Pa Jacob said.

"we'd rather serve someone else." A boy, said from the tree. He jumped down and smiled. "Tobi Mascot, at your service."

"You drowned. 2004." Hope said.

"not at the hand of mermaids mind you." He cheerfully said, "if you don't stop Louise Jr. more people will die."

"To make more shadows?" Hope asked.

"It's more complex than that. All he does is collect shells, he need shells." The boy looked at the others as if to ascertain if he wasn't interrupting too much. "There is little time to explain."

"I still don't understand. I'm not even related to Santiago."

"we won't seek for your help if you were not. You have all the answers you need." said Kenny, "I promise you will understand in time. But you need to leave and help your friends."

"so how do I get out of here."

"remember that night at the grotto when you took my hands." Pa Jacob asked.

"I knew it." Hope said. "I never saw you, but I heard you. I woke up in class."

"I can lead you back." Tobi said. He looked at the others, "I'll be right back." He held Hope's hand and pulled her away towards the lake.

There was no hedge around this particular lake. Tobi stepped in the water and gestured to Hope to come. She followed him till the water reached to her waist. It felt soothing, easing all the pain in her joints and bruises she never knew she had. "it's already taking effect." Tobi smiled.

"Andy talked about you." Hope said. There was nothing about his fond childish disposition not to like. To think of him dying young was heart breaking.

"I know he misses me." The boy replied. He stretched his hand, "take my hand."

Hope reached for him. "Can you tell him I said Hi. I never planned on dying early, you know." He said.

"I will." Hope said. Then their hand touched. And she felt the pain of living, again.

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