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If you're reading this, it means U a naughty little reader 😉 I hope ya'll would enjoy this one. This is gonna be good I sweaaaarr! It wouldn't be your typical stepsiblings story so I hope you'd read on.

"Kylie Amanda Jones! Where have you been?" Were the first things I heard as soon as I entered my house.

This was one of the unfortunate times that my mom had caught me sneaking in after a night out or sleeping over some random guy's place.

Usually during the weekends, my mom isn't home and is spending the weekend over her boyfriend's place.

Which is why I'm a bit surprised and taken aback as to why she was home today.

"I was over at Mitch's" was my usual excuse.

Although at times, it wasn't a complete lie either.

When I'm in the mood to party but not in the mood to get laid or I'm on my period, I sleep over at Mitch's place.

My mom simply sighed. She was not in the mood to argue with me.

Why? *insert wondering emoji here*

"Look. I need you to get ready in an hour. We've gotta be somewhere by then" my mom said.

Given that she was taking it easy on me, I decided to just oblige with what she wanted me to do.

By 1pm, mom was already screaming at me to get out of my room because we were about to leave.

I hurriedly put on my shoes before running down the stairs and out the door to mom's car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as mom drove out of the driveway.

"You'll see" mom said before giving my hand a squeeze "Just.. please promise me you'll behave" my eyebrow arched up

"Mom. I'm 17. What kind of misbehaving are you really expecting from a 17 year old?" I asked, making my mom let out a laugh. Nothing else was said aferwards.

We just kept driving until we reached one of town's fanciest restaurants.

At first, I thought mom was gonna treat me lunch for some shit, but then I realized it could be something far from that when she began walking towards a well-dressed man before hugging him and giving him a kiss.

Only then did I realize that my mom looked good. Too good actually.

As soon as I had approached them, mom pulled me closer to her.

"Dave, this is Kylie" she introduced me to the so-called Dave. I smiled at him and shook his hand.

For a forty-something guy, he was extremely attractive.

"You must be my mom's boyfriend" I said as I shook his hand to which he replied with a smile.

"I can see your mom has very beautiful genes" he complimented, earning him a light slap on the arm from my mom "Anyway. My son will be here soon. Shall we sit down?"

"Of course" mom said as Dave led us to our table.

Mom and Dave began talking to each other after ordering our food, while I sat silently as I switched from apps and replied to messages.

Sleeping With My Stepbrother (Stepbrother Series 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora