Runaway - Tristan Tales

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"TRISTAN! We have only been here for a week, and this house is already a mess. Can you please put the garbage outside?" Kayla shouted, and his other roommates started laughing loudly. Kayla shot them a glare.

"Matthieu you seem to find it so funny, who don't you do it?" Kayla shot back, and he groaned loudly.

"Yes mom." He said before taking the garbage. When he excited the house it was already pitch dark outside. A shadow at the opposite of the street caught his attention. Someone was sitting on the pavement, knees pulled close to her body. He saw her long hair floating in the air.

A anxious feeling stranded in his gut as he re-entered the house. A frown visible one his face.

"You've seen a ghost outside?" Tristan joked, when Matthieu sat down next to him.

"I don't know." He mumbled. Tristan's laugh died down and he put his hand on Matthieu's shoulders.

"What's going on?" He questioned, worry in his voice.

"There is a girl outside. Sitting on the pavement. Isn't that strange at this hour?" He asked Tristan.

"What do you mean, just sitting out there?" Tristan askes with a strange look. "Go look for yourself." Matthieu suggested him, and Tristan nodded.

"Superman will go save everyone." He said proudly before leaving the house and Alex laughed softly.

"You truly are something Tristan." He laughed while shaking his head.

Tristan left the house and immediately saw her sitting there. Matthieu was right. Without hesitation Tristan left his house and crossed the road to the opposite of the street. The girl was barely visible in the darkness, but he saw how she had pulled knees close to her chest, and her head resting against her knees. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, which was way too cold for this time at the day. At night it cooled down quickly.

She didn't even move or look up when Tristan sat down next to her. He stayed quiet for various minutes, hoping she would say or do something but she didn't. He could only imagine how cold she was, he was dressed in a hoody and the cold was already sneering against his skin.

"Aren't you cold?" he asked with a low voice. Surprised the girl's head shot up and she watched him with scared eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized and she shook her head saying it was okay. "I'm Tristan I live over there." He explained and pointed at the house.

"Why are you out here?" He asked, after she had calmed down a little.

She cleared her throat. "I ran away."

"You ran away from home? Why?" Tristan saw how she got uncomfortable.

"You can tell me, I won't tell anyone." He assured her.

"When my dad gets angry he latches out. We had a fight. He hit me." She tried explaining, but tears formed in her eyes, sobs leaving her mouth.

Tristan slowly and carefully put his arm around her body, trying not to scare her.

"What do you think, I'll take you inside you can warm up. Stay here tonight and we can find a solution tomorrow?" She nodded softly.

"Thank you." she whispered. Tristan got up and held out his hand, ready for her to catch it. She took it and he pulled her up with care, before guiding her inside the house.

"I'm Y/N." She said before they entered the house.

"Welcome to my house, Y/N." Tristan introduced her to his roommates and it seemed like she easily calmed down and let her guard down. Kayla lent her some clothes so she was warmer, while Alex and Matthieu were trying to make some warm food in the kitchen.

After the whole household devoured the food and they started a little movie marathon most of them went to bed. Tristan suggested she could stay in his room, because he had an extra mattress there, and she accepted.

"For someone who doesn't even know me you are a great person." She thanked and Tristan smiled.

"I know your name and your troubles, that is enough to know you need help. We all have to help those in need from time to time. Even when things get settled after tonight. My door will always be wide open for you, Y/N." He said, before giving her a comforting hug.

"You are not alone in this life."

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