Target: Oberon Rodriguez aka the study geek

Comenzar desde el principio

"You know I don't go back on my words right now that I have said it....I will do it, bring it on Oberon", Flint said with a smile.

"Okay then, if you say so then take the me the problem marked on the folded page before the deadline and best of luck", Oberon said with a overconfident expression on his face.

"Okay and oh yes I will need luck", Flint smiled.
The next day (two days until deadline).

"Your friend is not with you today?", Oberon asked Jason when they met under the oak tree.

"No he is at the library working on the problem that you gave him.", Jason sighed.

"He doesn't know when to give up, he is just so stupid, people who don't know their limits are stupid", Oberon also sighed.

"Well you know what, those are the things that make him who he is, that's Flint for you. He is in the library whereas until today he didn't even knew that there was a library in the school. Studies and Flint are just so not on the same page but look at him working so hard just to show you that there are things that you can do if you just have faith. I am really happy that I met him, I wouldn't have been who I am today if I wouldn't have met him. I hope you will understand one day", Jason said while looking at the clear blue sky.

Oberon remained silent.
The next day (one day until deadline).

"So no one's here today.........ooh what am I thinking like this, I am always alone. Moreover I can study today peacefully." Oberon murmured sitting under the oak tree.

"Hey why do you study so much?", a bully from sixth grade caught his collar, "You piss me off".

Soon Oberon was surrounded by the bully and his two friends. They took his books and threw them.

"Hey what are you do....", a punch landed on his face before he could finish. "You say that you don't need anything when you have your knowledge right?, so lets find out how your knowledge saves you from us", a boy from the group told and the group started beating him up.

"So who is going to save you now?, your knowledge?....................haha".
"What do you have? have nothing"
The boys from the group told.

Suddenly a voice came "He has his friends ya know".

The group look looked behind and two people attacked was Flint and Jason.

A fight took place between them and Oberon lied there, surprised. He told to himself "They called themselves my friend!!!!".

The fight was over, the group got beaten to a pulp by Flint and Jason and they ran away.

"Hey you okay Oberon", Jason asked.

"Yeah I am okay but the stupidity level of you two are just unimaginable. I am used to these things. Why did you two do this?, you two got hurt because of me.

"Its just what friends do right Jason?", Flint chuckled.

"Yeah that's just what friends do", Jason chuckled too.

Flint picked up Oberon's book, gave it to him saying "So I am going to go the library, I don't have much time left" and went back before Oberon could say anything.
The next day.

"Hey Oberon, I solved it", Flint wailed as he met him under the oak tree.

"I am impressed..........but I am still surprised that how can a idiot like you do it. Just check if its correct.", Jason chuckled.

"Its correct, I lost", Oberon sighed while smiling.

"Yes, I solved the toughest problem of eighth grade".

"Errr.....honestly it wasn't the toughest one." Oberon burst out into laughter, Jason joined him too.

"Whatever I solved the sum.......lets go to and fill up the form. Today's the deadline.", Flint told.

"Yeah lets go........we will become a team today", Jason wailed.

"We are already a team.........its already done, I have have registered our team.", Oberon chuckled.

Flint and Jason were awestruck.
"But why?, Flint asked in wonder.


A/N: Please do vote if you like the chapter and feel free to share your reviews. Thanks for always helping me out 10gates_Rokugo  SanjeevanPaul  Mou-san and thanks for the covers to JacquelineIZ .
Check out my book and share your views: midnightcupofnoodles  dahfne22 felicityjones26 JacquelineIZ.

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