Chapter 5: The Pain

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It's the same boring grey ceiling, with the same boring black cracks. And the same boring grey walls with a new etching, marking another day since I was put away into this cage like an animal. Another day since I bit that child and killed, no, murdered him. And the worst part is I don't even know why I did it. That day just didn't seem normal, I felt different. And after my show, all the kids started to leave. But one didn't. Instead, he made it his mission to climb onto my display, and I guess I just lost it. I lunged forward, my jaw wide open and.... crunch..... First, there was silence. Then, there was panic as the blood of the child poured down around my feet. People were screaming and grabbing their children.

I looked down at my hands where the body of the child I murdered lay still. Lifeless. Dead. I began to weep over what I had done. How I had taken the life of this child away from the world, and there was nothing I could do except pay for my sins and live with my punishment. And even if that meant banishment, I still don't think that I've suffered enough. How could I've if I still feel the guilt, anger, and pain all wrapped up tightly inside of my stomach? How can I still live knowing that I took a child away from his mother, from his family? And that they would never see him again. Who was I to decide to take this child away from his loving home, and away from his life?

But what's done is done. And I'm still carrying out my life sentence inside of a cage, built by people who fear me. Fear that I might take their life as well. And lately, I've felt so angry with myself that I could've taken another life. Deepening the cut, and shooting myself in the back again. I can't help it if they're afraid, I can only sit back and watch as something breaks inside every time someone looks at me with fear in their eyes. It makes me feel like I will go insane if I stay in here alone, but there's nothing for me outside the walls I built to keep everything inside. And to keep others as far away as possible.

I'm so caught up in the pain of the moment that I almost don't hear the scream that splits the sound of silence. It's the cry of despair from a young woman. Coming from the back office, no doubt a new guard. Freddy and them always has a weird kind of fun with the greenie. They'll wander around aimlessly until they get closer and closer to the doors of the office and scare whoever is dumb enough to take this job.

The sounds of the metal doors coming down heavily follows another scream. Then another door is brought down. And as if it wasn't annoying enough, the women inside the office makes muffled whimpers and cries of terror. It's bad enough when the gang scares the night guard, but to terrorize a woman so much that she is down in tears is just downright unforgivable. And it only makes me angrier. I begin to pace my stage. Back and forth, until I'm fed up with the whining and crying and scaring.

"CAN YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!" I yell at the top of my lungs. And all becomes still. The crying stops. The sounds of Bonnie, Freddy, and Chica's footsteps also come to a dead stop. Nothing but the sound of the dead laying still in their graves. The silence is odd. It's always been quiet at night, even if there were some ambient sounds but that made it almost relaxing. But to hear nothing as if everyone had died is an odd wonder. I smile with a grim look written on my face. The idea of everyone suddenly dying, for some reason, stirs up an emotion of excitement. As horrible as it sounds, then I could have the peace I so desired, but its an impossibility. They will never die, they will continue to live just to annoy me and I hate them for it.

"whats up with him?" A masculine voice whispers from outside the curtains of my cage. "He use to love to scare the night guard, it was one of the only things he looked forward too and he wants us to stop?" Yes, I want them to stop. To stop bothering me, and being loud and obnoxious every night and let me live out my punishment in peace.

"i don't know why but i say we best respect his command. its the least we can do, i guess." Another voice whispers at the same level as the last. But this one being feminine, no doubt this is Chica talking. Her voice reminds me about the guard, and her whimpering and screaming. The sounds that came from the office were pitiful like the cries from a baby kitten. I chuckle at the thought but then become serious again. I don't know how I ever found joy from making everyone feel scared of my presence. So much so that the man on the phone has to warn the new guys about me. The thought of how I use to live makes me feel sick and disgusted with the life I led three years ago.

Maybe I should watch out for her. Keeping the others away from her in case they ever thought about hurting her. But why am I caring about what happens to her, shes just going to be afraid of me like everyone else is? It's not like it matters how many good things I do. I already made the mistake that has ruined my whole life, and nothing I do will ever change that. No amount of good can out way the sin I have on my hands. The blood that slips through my fingers and teeth everytime I think of what I did. Nothing can stop the pain from crushing me.

(Canceled) The Outsider (A FNaF Fan-Fic) (1/2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt