Chapter 1: The Darkness

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Take notice to the pink bow in the picture. *Wink* *Wink*

The same old grey ceiling. A few new cracks but other than that it's exactly the same. I've been laying on my bed, staring up into the nothingness my life has become. I've been in here for God knows how long. It's dark.... but that's the way I like it... concealment..

I haven't seen the others in ages either. I wonder what all has changed. Not that it would affect me at all. I'll still be stuck in here. In this cage.

Pain, anger, regret, sadness. These are the ruling emotions in my life right now. Not an ounce of happiness has made itself known, not a speck of hope. Along time ago is when I gave up trying to preform again. Now my days are just filled with void.

My room was dark as if I were living in the void. The little light that did exist hit my face as I sat up. I'm incapable of feeling anymore. Something inside has snapped.... feeling anything again is next to impossible. The thought was scary when first thought. Now it's something that hardly comes to mind. The sound of kids running around and laughing catches my attention, and the song of Freddy and the rest of them only made me think of when I was still functioning properly. There's nothing wrong with me. Nothing is broken, nothing out of place. So why am I in here?

I walk over to the entrance of my cove and stare through the small crack that let in the only amount of light. I could see a group of small children up at the front of the stage, jumping up and down while yelling the names of their favorites. But none yelled mine. It's better if I just go back to bed.... And stay there.

There is no way to tell time now. There's only when the kids are here and when they are not. I like it when there not here. There's no noise, just complete silence with which to lose the rest of my mind in this hell. There others have given up trying to get me to come out, I've just become too distant from them. Each day I lost more and more hope of being put back on display, and everyday I wasn't performing, I was losing my mind instead. But the darkness that surrounded me was completely obstructed by the pale moon light. All the kids were gone, and a familiar figure stood in the entrance. Chica..... No one has been in here for who knows how long. But she has the guts to do this now?

"F-Foxy? Are you here?" Her voice called into the darkness, but nothing moved. Not a shadow danced on the wall. But I'm sitting against the foot of my bed, chewing on a toothpick. Chica ventures in further, her footsteps echoed in my head. Giving me a slight headache. "Foxy please come out." She calls again but to no avail.

"I've been wondering when the day would come, when one of you steps through that curtain." My voice box is almost broken, and my rusted joints aren't helping it too much. I turn my head, and face a person I now barley know, and let one of my golden eyes pierce through the dark. She flinches in fear at this, but still proceeds.

"Foxy, please come out of here. We all miss you, and want you back."

"No. This place is now my prison for what I did. I can never go back... I can never change what I did." I stare down at my hands, remembering the blood that have been shed over them.

"Foxy you can talk to us. You know that you're not alone."

"I don't think you realize... I've always been alone.... In this cage where I'm slowly rotting away. Where no one can ever be hurt again... This is where I need to be." I was now standing over Chica looking down on her. The pale light from the moon lit up my face, but a wave of shadow still covered it. "Now go away, and leave me to my life sentence."

The curtains swing shut as I am again left to my life alone.

I stand in the middle of my display not looking for anything, or anyone. But a small voice floats in head, and the figure of a small boy in a red shirts and brown shorts sits in the corner, hugging his knees.

"You know that it is our birthday today right? They probably set something up for us." I look towards him with a hint of grief on my face.

"I don't care if they did anything, Im doomed to this cage. I can't leave."

"Sure we can. Just walk out there."

"Look kid, I'm sorry for what happened, and I know how much you want to have another birthday. But I can't leave here, not after what I did." I stare down at the ground as the boy walks up to me. His body is almost completely transparent, like he's still on the living plane of existence and the plane of the afterlife. He stares up into my eyes, which are know misty.

"Foxy, I've already forgiven you. You don't have to live with this guilt anymore." This causes me to break down. I fall down onto my hands and knees, letting my tears drip onto the hard wood flooring. I start to whisper to myself the same thing over and over again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." When I look up to stare the boy in the eyes and say this, he's already gone. Disappeared. With not a indication that he was even here. I start to pick myself off the floor, and wipe my eyes with my shirt sleeve. I've become a real mess. Haven't I.

I decide that it's time to call it a night, and might as well go to bed. Which was only a twin sized one with one pillow and a coarse blanket, and the mattress was like that of a cot. Tough, but I haven't really noticed it lately. It's all starting to finally sink in. This is my life now. Pain. Sorrow. Regret. Anger.

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