Chapter 56- Anything

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Flynn P.O.V:

     I sat in the waiting room with Riley asleep. We had been told that Oliver would be fine by his parents and we were waiting to be allowed to see him.

His entire family was in there with him.

Harley laid on my arm and I immediately woke up. She smiled up at me then she giggled with tears in her eyes.

I sat up and quickly kissed her forehead.

She wrapped her arm around mines. "You're amazing, you know that?"

I shrugged. "I guess. If you say so."

She shook her head, then she laid on my shoulder. I tried not to frown, faking how happy I was to see her. I didn't know how to react.

Oliver's little sister ran over to me and put her hands on my knees. "Oliver says he wants you, now." She quickly ran away.

I hit Harley then Riley. "He's ready,"I quickly stood up and started following the little girl.

Harley and Riley followed behind.

The little girl ran into a room and I quickly ran after her. I froze at the door.

Oliver sat up on the bed with an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. He removed it with a smile.

I rushed over to him and quickly hugged him.

His family laughed.

"Careful,"his brother pat my back.

I looked at Oliver with tears streaming down my face.

He wiped his cheek. "Thank you...for rescuing me."

I nodded. "I will do anything for you...You're my best friend."

Oliver was about to put his mask back on when his eyes landed on Riley. He froze.

She slowly walked into the room. "Hi,"she smiled with glossy eyes.

"Hi,"Oliver stared at her.

She walked over to his bed and sat beside him, then she held his hand and squeezed it, still staring into his eyes. She laid on his shoulder and shut her eyes letting her tears soak his shoulder.

I looked at his mother.

She was wiping her cheeks. She smiled at me.

Harley stood beside me and held my hand. Then she leaned closer. "I have to flight's today."

I quickly turned to her. I needed her with me. But a ticket was a ticket.

"My mom's outside."

"Okay..I'll..come with you-"

"No...stay with Oliver. He needs you more than I do right now." She kissed my cheek then she walked over to Oliver and kissed his. "I have to go back to New York today. Flynn has your phone, okay?"

Oliver nodded.

"And...I love you, okay?"

He nodded again then he bowed his head.

Harley brushed my fingers with hers as she walked out of the room.

I sighed, fighting my tears again.

Oliver looked at me.

I quickly smiled. "I'm so glad you're still here."

*  *  *

A few days past and Oliver was allowed to leave the hospital. His parents had decided that he needed to stay a while before going back to school.

Riley and I sat in his bedroom, watching him lay there. In his little sister's words "he had a really bad cold".

He kept smiling at us and squeezing our hands.

Riley looked at his bottle of water in his nightstand. "I'm gonna go get you a new one okay, Perf?"

He nodded.

She walked out of the room.

"Why does she keep calling me that?,"he said through a hoarse voice. "It sounds like perv to me."

"She's calling you perf for short,"I smirked. "She means perfect."

"Why would she think that I was perfect after what I did-"

"Because she l... While we were waiting, she told me that you were like her guardian angel and that she couldn't afford to lose you. That's why she thinks you're perfect."

He blushed.

"You wanna know what I think?"

His smiled straightened.

"I think that, just like Harley, you're one of the best people to ever step into my life."

He smiled again, then he began to cry.

"Hey, you have pneumonia. Don't make it worse by crying."

"Shut up,"he sat up and hugged me. "I can never thank you enough for saving me. Really. If you weren't there for me-"

"Riley would've saves you."

He laid back down. "We both know she can't do that."

"What can't I do?,"she walked into the room with the bottles of water.

"Nothing,"Oliver smirked.

"I can't do..anything?,"she sat on the bed.


"I know I can't swim. Overheard your little bromance convo' when I was on my way here."

"Now I get why mom always wants the door open."

We all laughed.

The Good Girl Kicked Me In the Shin With Her Stiletto Heels *SEQUEL*Where stories live. Discover now