"I was only messing with you, I know that my Y/N is known very well for her success. That is why she's aiming higher to a great college. She wants to become someone who will change the world... And I shall support her at every step of the way." He said. Your cheeks burning from his words as he just stayed still as if challenging the reporter.

"How... Touching. Well, it's good to see your strong bond with your lover. I wish you the best of luck out there." She nodded before continuing on with the interview by asking him questions that avoided him mentioning you. Just by this, the other stations will keep in mind how defensive Akechi is when mentioning you.

The blush slowly faded away before the bell rang, indicating that school was over. Everybody stood up and talked to their friends while you sat there watching his interview.

Once it was done, there wasn't much to do but leave the school and go find a market to buy groceries.

The walk wasn't too far but taking the subway would have been way faster.

You walked out of the store with your bag of groceries before making your way home until the strong, euphoric aroma filled the streets. You released a breath of pleasure and followed the source of the smell. The amazing, strong smell of coffee grew by the minute.

Cafe LeBlanc.

If the smell is amazing, then the food must be too. Maybe it's great potential for Akechi to review about it in his food blog. It was adorable seeing his enthusiasm to pancakes and coffee. He was like a little kid describing candy.

"Welcome," An old man said to you as you opened the door to see that the cafe was empty. "May I recommend something from the menu?"

"A-ah, if it isn't a bother to you, that is." You pulled out a stool, biting the inside of your cheek before he nodded and went off to the kitchen to grab something for you.

The TV was loud enough for you to hear the news but there wasn't anything too interesting. It was just the reporters and the upcoming political campaign.

You paid attention to the T.V a little longer until the sound of a dish clattering startled you a bit.

"Sorry, I've been trying to get your attention but you seemed to be more interested at the news." You looked up to see Akira wearing an apron.

"Kurusu-kun?" Your eyes faintly opened. "You work here?"

"More like live here. Sojiro is my guardian while I'm on probation." He scratched the back of his head.

"Probation of what?" You frowned, lacing your fingers together in interest.

"It's something personal." He answered, making it obvious to avoid.

"I understand. I just didn't think someone as kind as you would be put on probation. Or even commit a crime for that matter."

He chuckled and crossed his arms as you took a sip of the coffee. It tastes amazing.

Had it not been for the stinging pain your tongue had felt, you would have drunk it all in one go.

"You like it? Sojiro has been giving me lessons on how to make coffee and curry." He stood proudly with his glasses gleaming from the barely lit light above him.

You laughed and covered your smile with your hand before seeing the fluffiest of things jump on the stool next to you.

"Morgana, it's nice to see you again." You scratched the back of his ear despite the threatening glare he sent you.

"Akira! Tell her to stop scratching me there or else I- Oooh, right there... I've been trying to get that place all day." He immediately said, purring right after and leaning forward for more.

The Detective Princess (Yusuke x reader x Akechi)Where stories live. Discover now