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Misaka spoke into the attached microphone on the operator's space.
"Shinobu, is that you?" A surprised sounding voice spoke back.
"Shinobu! What are you doing?"
"I work for them directly, I know it better than you do. I knew it, you would try to stop it. I told you it's not something you can solve alone. It's almost impossible to stop, I told you, it's best if you did not find out." The other voice spoke answered this time slowly, cold and calm.
"I have company... what are YOU trying to do?" Misaka demanded.
"All the clones, their minds are connected like a network. It's called "Will of the Whole Misaka Network." If one sister experiences something, all the other sisters knows it."
"I know that."
"I operate the Testament machines, I'm responsible for giving them thoughts, they all have suppressed personalities like robots. I'm thinking that by injecting them emotions... I might jeopardize the experiments completely. If you get involved, you might screw up for both of us. As I said, it's best if you didn't even find out. " The voice seemed to rang a bell. Like I heard it before. It's cold and calm, the emptiness in it made it hard to predict. However it still seemed to hold some human traits, just not wanting to show it explicitly. The voice spoke again:
"Just one question, if you are going in by yourself, what are you gonna do?"
It asked with a touch of curiosity. What is that other faint hint of personality? Caring? Not wanting more Misaka Sisters to die, and probably feeling bad for Misaka personally. She probably didn't want to participate in the experiments herself.
"Deleting their files and destroying their equipments to prevent copying experiments." Misaka answered, already going through the files.

Misaka paused, seeming to discover something, she spoke up:
"Shinobu! Don't do it, there's an automatic error system that triggers once a person tries to alter the experiments. It's like a last line of defense." No answer. Only Static noises can be heard on the other side. Then the microphone turned back on. There was some pushing, fighting noises. Sound of clothing and kicks whipped through the air, someone fell the ground as a faint groan of pain can be heard. A loud gunshot sound rang out, as the microphone started ringing, then turning off.
"Shinobu!" Misaka yelled.
"We need to go and help her!"
"Copy down the files then delete it on the computers. If the other facility are the main labs, this must be the main computer and control rooms. You can probably get through the firewalls and the error code ONLY in here." I said. She took out a USB and plugged it into the tablet. As predicted, the error message flashed on the screen.
"You are right... I can only get through it here." She whispered as the tablet started cracking the code.
"It's gonna take four hours, but it's not built against electro-masters. If I use all my power to disrupt the electrical flow in the code plus the power hacking device, I can shorten it down to five minutes. Then I will need you to defend against Meltdowner. I won't be able to fight." I nodded.

A Certain Esper Power (Toaru Kagaku No Railgun FanFiction Vol. 2)Where stories live. Discover now