Chapter Seventeen

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"You're really not hungry?"


"Do you ever feel hungry? When you get up or anything?"

"I used to, but I just quit feeling it at some point. It was just another pain."

"I'm so sorry Dani."

I nodded and ate the piece of chicken.

"Can I ask you something?" I had eaten like five bites and he sounded so nervous that I wondered what I had done wrong. His voice was really quiet too, which was odd.


"Why don't you wear your hair down?" I sat there stunned. That was not what I was expecting.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Charlie always used to make me."

"So you're rebelling?"

"No." I laughed lightly, "If I had a loose strand he would tuck it behind my ear, and every time I would jerk back, disgusted with him as he caressed my cheek after. Then he'd get mad, saying I was the gross one, and then he'd beat me."

"I'm sorry for asking."

"Don't be. You deserve answers."

"I don't mean to pry."

"I know. I like that you care enough to ask."

"Don't Lily and Kat ask?"

"Yeah, but I don't tell them everything. I downplay it, because they look at me with pity and I don't like it."


"You don't though. I appreciate it. You have concern and worry, but not pity."

"I'm shocked I don't look angry. I hate him, for everything he did to you."

"I know. Your face is usually an open book."

"Oh." His face fell. 'What did I say? Was that a bad thing?'

"I didn't mean it badly."

"What? Oh, no, that's not it, nevermind."

"Okay." I wish he would talk to me but he started picking at his own salad, so I let it go.

We ended up wrapped up in a blanket on the balcony again when Lily called, "Dani, the cop wanted to talk to you again, if you're up for it. I can tell him to leave, if you want."

"No, I'm coming."

"Dani, you don't have to, nobody blames you." Again, Kane looked really concerned for me.

"No, I should've done it when I first escaped, but I wouldn't let Lily phone. I just wanted to forget about it."

"Hey, ma'am, I just wanted to show you a picture and see if we had the right guy."

I turned to see the same detective at the door to the balcony. He handed me the photo and the hair on my arms stood up. I nodded my head handing it back, "Yeah, that's him."

"Okay, you should be glad to know, we have him in custody at the station. The detective we sent down the road to find the house you described brought him in last night." I let out a breath of air. 'That's the best news I've ever heard.'

"Thanks, officer," said Kane, they shook hands and he left. I heard his footsteps head towards the stairs. Then I heard muffled talking that sounded like Lily and the officer.

I laid back down on Kane's chest, shivering as the wind picked up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just relieved."

Never Again.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang