chapter twenty nine

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Tyler was left alone because all the boys went to the kickboxing practice. So many things on his mind.

Wasn't kickboxing a little too dangerous? At least for these supernatural boys? How doesn't Patrick lose it while doing kickboxing? Why is Brendon suddenly cranky? What the hell is he going to do about the fact he's a walking tracking device? Who the hell are "they"? How does he ask Josh out?

Alright, ignore that last one.

"You can watch if you want to"

Tyler jumped, looking up and seeing Dallon was standing behind him. With so many things on his mind, he didn't even notice Dallon. After calming down from the shock, he gave Dallon a smile and stood up. His backpack hung from his shoulder as he followed Dallon to the school's gym class where every sport practice was.

Once they entered the area, Tyler could already hear the coach who was upset for some reason and mumbles from teenagers; he recognized Pete's voice and Andy's chuckles among them.

Hm, how can Dallon make him feel small even though Dallon is just a human?

Probably because Dallon is as tall as a giraffe.

As they walked and came closer to the group of teenagers, Tyler noticed Josh. Tyler really, really didn't know why, but Josh made him feel very...warm inside. Josh was attractive, of course. But he also sounded nice and talked nice and smelled nice and everything nice.

"We can sit on the stands" Dallon pointed at the many plastic seats on the side of the area. Tyler looked over at the redness and nodded.

"Weekes!" the middle aged coach yelled, making the two boys freeze in place while everybody's eyes were on them "You're late!"

"Sorry, coach!" Dallon said with a smile, pushing his glasses up "My hand hurts, I hoped to only watch the practice today!"

The coach stood for a few moments and thought before nodding and turning back to the sweaty crew.

Tyler and Dallon took their seats. Dallon immediately took out his large sandwich and bit into it, but Tyler wanted to observe more than anything.

He counted everybody up. Seven boys and four girls. With Dallon, they'd make twelve people. They all stood in a circle around their coach, listening carefully and looking down in shame of something they've done that Tyler had no knowledge of.

Tyler took a closer look, squinting his eyes. Only two boys' faces were unfamiliar. But...dammit. Three of those girls were the same girls he recognized at the cafeteria. And at the moment, they were pointing fingers at Brendon, giggling and whispering.

Oh, no.

Brendon did turn into his human self at one point that evening. In front of the survivors. If they remember him, God knows what they'll do.

Tyler's body tensed, and Dallon noticed "Hey, you okay?"

With a blink, Tyler turned to face Dallon who was still eating "It- It's nothing, I was j-just looking at-"

"At Josh?" Dallon rose an eyebrow, making Tyler's eyes pop "Look, I may be an obvious mess myself, but the things that I don't notice on myself, I very well notice on others"

Tyler just sat wordless and motionless for a few moments before letting out a laugh "Y- You're kidding, right? Ha, man, you're really funny, y'know that?"

Dallon smirked, taking another bite and just watching Tyler until he stopped laughing "I can set you two up, you know?"

"Can you?"

That came out too fast. Tyler's mouth was fast shut and he turned his head as an attempt of hiding the blush on his face. Dallon laughed quietly.

"Alright now!" Tyler listened to the coach's words now "Urie! Pick a partner and may the best win!"

Tyler was tense again, sitting at the very edge of his seat.

Brendon took a few moments to think, before his angry(?) eyes landed on Patrick. The very moment Pete noticed that, his eyes widened in surprise "Stump. I'll take Pat"

Dallon gasped, now sitting on the edge of his seat. Tyler looked at him, waiting for any words. Dallon was trying to form words, letting out random letters, squinting his eyes and shaking his head "Bren knows Patty hates that nickname, why would he call him that?"

Tyler turned his head toward the practice and cursed under his breath. He's not scared of intervening if Brendon takes it too far. It's not like he's not the most obvious weirdo in school. Everybody knows something's off with him; for God's sake, the boy has red eyes.

Brendon and Patrick got into position. Tyler payed close attention to Patrick's heartbeats, already noticing they were getting faster. Tyler gulped.

Brendon did the first kick, maybe a bit too hard - hearing everybody gasped. Tyler was just whispering swear words, not knowing what to do with himself. Dallon seemed to be very worried too, but definitely not nearly as worried as Tyler was.

Before Patrick could attack, Brendon kicked him again. And again.

"No" Pete said, looking at Josh and Andy who noticed the same thing.

Patrick was starting to transform.

Then, Brendon and Patrick growled at each other and Tyler's had enough. He got up and ran his fastest to where the bell was. He knew it was far too soon for the class to end, but it was probably his best shot. He rang the bell and kneeled down, praying for everything to be alright before exhaling and running back to the kickboxing practice.

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