chapter twenty eight

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Brendon jumped fast awake, panting and crying already. He jumped in his black bed in quick motions, not seeing much due to the darkness and his misty eyes. He touched his hair and his face, realizing it was only a dream.

But was dream Ryan right? All the words he spoke and sang?

And was it finally the time Patrick pays for what he's done?


"Tracking device"

Peterick, Dallon, Tyler and Andy looked up at Josh who was just going to take a seat at their cafeteria table; he threw a teeny tiny plastic bag onto the table with an object inside it.

Pete picked it up and fast recognized the microchip he had left at Josh's last night. He frowned in anger and shook his head "So, it's them"

"Look, I don't know for sure, but yeah, that's our best guess" Josh replied with a shrug.

Tyler's brows furrowed in thought, but he soon realized what the object was. The memory of the moment he got it struck through his mind. He had actually completely forgot about that. How did it get to Josh? He didn't even know who was the last to hold it "How did you get that?"

"Pete gave it to me" Josh gave him a smile "We're worried somebody might be going after you"

For some reason, Tyler only heard mumbles coming out of Josh's mouth. He never actually saw what a beautiful smile Josh has. Wow. That- That's gorgeous.

"Who's them?" Patrick asked and brought Tyler back into attention.

Pete, Josh and Andy sighed; Andy spoke for the sighs "They're vampire hunters. They call vampires children. Nobody knows what exactly they do to vampires, but they hunt them down and lock them up in their institutions"

"I was the only person ever to get out of there" Pete said, making Patrick and Dallon gasp quietly.

Tyler's and Pete's stares locked; Tyler's eyes were filled with confusion, fear even. He had no idea there was actually a group of people that were hunting his kind. Does that only happen in movies? And besides, did Pete actually go through all of that?

"If- If nobody knows, how did you get in and out?" Tyler somehow managed to form a sentence.

Pete sighed, kissing Patrick on the cheek to calm both of them down a little "I was naïve and walked straight into their traps. They took me with them to their building and dragged me all the way down to the basement. It's where they keep the best pieces. They told me I was special because I was producing poison at a very young age. I decided to take advantage of that and bit whoever came near me. They odd part was, they were all drinking something to make them immune to vampire poison, but when I bit them they all fell dead. I just bit and bit, until I realized the building was on fire. I looked up to find no ceiling and see Brendon and Andy burning the place down. Andy helped me get home, but Brendon stayed there. He says he's taken care of all of those people"

"Wait, vampires are poisonous?" Tyler asked, utterly astonished. He actually caught the entire story, but this fact left him shook.

Pete chuckled and nodded.

"Did they hurt you?" Patrick whispered into Pete's ear worriedly; Tyler could hear Patrick's heart starting to beat faster than normal.

"No, baby, don't worry" Pete answered and gave Patrick a kiss on the lips; Patrick's heartbeat instantly normalized.

It was fascinating how love affected these two. Pete became human and Patrick would remain human.

"Okay so, is the tracking device still working?" Pete asked, getting back onto the subject. Everybody's eyes were on Josh.

"Wait a minute" Dallon took the attention and everybody was now staring at his frowning face "Why are we still talking about this? Brendon said he took care of them. It's not them"

"Shut up Dallon"

"Nope" Josh shook his head. Everybody sighed in relief, but they were reaction too soon. Josh had more to say "It's actually worse"

Pete's jaw dropped "What?!"

"It's a tracking device that works because of a fluid inside it. When the microchip is put under somebody's skin, the fluid finds the tiniest capillary and pours itself into the person's blood system. Tyler's whole body is a tracking device right now"

All the boys gasped; Andy and Pete swore.

Tyler's brows were furrowed. What the hell was going on?

The boys sat in silence for a few minutes, all in deep thought. Dallon asked if anybody'd seen Brendon but all the boys only shook their heads.

Tyler squinted his eyes at the figures at the entrance of the cafeteria "Can't be"

"What?" Josh frowned in confusion.

"Those three girls" Tyler pointed at them and everybody looked "They were performing the ritual. They ran away when I came to get Brendon"

Josh snorted "Satanists? Going to our school? Nice"

"You know they're not actually Satanists?" Dallon said "They're Devil-worshipers, there's a difference"

Everybody, of course, ignored him.

"Hi, guys" Brendon appeared out of nowhere "Let's go, kickboxing, we don't wanna be late"

All the boys smiled up at him. All, except Tyler.

"Uhm, I don't think you should go, Brendon" Tyler spoke ever so carefully, even standing up.

Brendon laughed "Yeah, and why not?"

"Maybe you should rest a little" Tyler tried to come up with an excuse. He was actually only doing this so that Patrick wouldn't get hurt.

"Hm, maybe you should mind your own freaking business" Brendon spat, spinning on his heel and exiting the cafeteria.

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