She laughs again. Her mouth opens slightly showing her fangs, and they chatter right before she closes them. Weak. She grits her teeth. At least, vampires are impervious to the cold when they don't have a full stomach. As for Chouko, she had drunk her fill of Yui's blood only last night. Or day. Maybe two. She isn't quite sure how much time has passed. But anyway, when a vampire has hot, thick human blood powering and running through his(1) veins he gets to experience a few human traits. Gets to be warmed by the blood and is therefore susceptible to temperature. The essence of humanity is weakness… That's what the blonde mother would have said anyway.

It's ironic, the little trick they pulled. It's bittersweet. It's completely f*cking hilarious!

Why, they've put me in a box again…!

And she chuckles some more, but it rings hollow. It's not very funny. Because her laugh echoes in the darkness, spins out and goes nowhere at all before it dies. It only shows how trapped she is. She hates the sound. Her shoulders begin to tremble.

She feels every bit like an animal as she bares her teeth in the darkness, sharp incisors straining, jaw locked, teeth gritted and grinding softly and she restrains herself from screaming! Her throat itches like a demon, flames of Hell burning her stomach from the inside out and she wants to breathe fire. She wants to scream so loud Karlheinz himself can hear her fury! One deep breath rocks her chest cavity and she feels like she's going to lose her mind..-!

She can hear her own breathing, her own heart beating, and suddenly it's just like she's in a coma again, with only the maddening sounds of her own creation and the blackness of no escape and utter insanity surrounding her. Rhythmic, like a ticking clock that never stops- why won't it stop!

The world is violently cut into jagged flashes before her eyes. They scramble everywhere and she wants to just lash out and kick at the walls around her! Shake their foundations and tear them to the ground so that the mansion collapses on the brothers’ heads and ends her torture with it. But it's futile, she knows. She's still trapped. That's the worst part. So she opens her mouth widely one more time in a silent scream, shoulders shaking as if she was a volatile prisoner straining against chains.

And I am, aren't I?

But she can’t scream. Then they'll know they've won. That she can't handle being locked up in the dungeons for a night or two. They'll think she's a little child, to show such weakness they would never take her seriously again! Her organs pull and clench as her stomach convulses under the force of stifled screams and swallowed sobs. Tears prickle at the corners of her eyelids as the frustration wells up within her completely-

A sharp clang and a metallic screech stop her in her tracks. And her tears evaporate like they never existed. Footsteps approach.

Tack. Tack. Tack.

A ball of fire appears amidst the sea of darkness, a star in the cold space, and Laito's calm face shoots out of the deep carrying a torch. Under the fiery illumination, a path of steps appear beneath his feet, and when he stops in front of her cells the room is brought out of the darkness and into the light just a little. Vampires don't need light. It's a show, that he has all the resources and she has nothing. He has access to the outside world and she is trapped.

The rays lick the walls with a yellow, sour glow. Chouko turns her face away with a dismissive, disinterested glance:

“Well, well, well...So now you're here, huh?” And her voice is the perfect mix of apathy and the acidic undertone of venom. It falls in the air in a deadly, melodic tune: “You got all excited back there in the living room, acting like you were really going to do something, but in the end you wouldn't even get close to me,” his green eyes watch her head flick in his direction. For a human the lighting is too dim to see her face, but even though he can see it, he chooses not to look at it, instead focusing on the outline of her knees bent and hunched in the very corner of the dirty cell.

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