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{Wow this chapter was written like last year but inspiration from a scene by CHERRYHYUCK }

It was the end of the day and Donghyuck was strolling through the quiet halls without a care in the world. He stared down at his phone as he walked along scrolling through various memes that he'd end up choosing to annoy you with today as he typically did.

"Donghyuck!" Someone called from across the hall, and he snapped his head up from his phone in that direction. "Are you still coming over today?" It was Mark of course. Donghyuck couldn't mistake that annoying smile.

"No." He blatantly said, not paying much mind.

"The fuck?" Mark complained. "Why not?"

"Does it look like I wanna see your ugly ass after school?"

"I don't know how you haven't gotten detention this year." Mark rolled his eyes, used to his friend's ways. "Seriously though, why not?"

"I have too many things to do after school."

"Is ____ one of them?" Mark sneered, regretting it as soon as it left his mouth.

"That didn't change the fact she's dating Yukhei, Mark." Donghyuck heaved a sigh, finally putting his phone into his pocket. "Just let it go."

"Whatever you say." Mark sounded unsure. "If you change your mind I'll be home." Donghyuck nodded in response, and the two walked off in opposite directions. He walked through the long corridor heading for the gym where he always cut through to get to the buses. Finding an empty water bottle on the floor, he simply kicked it across the tile, emerged in his own thinking.

And that's when he heard the first scream. Only it wasn't just anyone's scream. He knew the sound of this voice like the back of his hand. It was your scream. And it was coming from the boys locker room.

Donghyuck sprinted as fast as his legs could carry him the rest of the way to the gym, pushing the doors open with his shoulder as he ran across the wooden gym floor up to the locker room doors. He tugged and tugged on the large metal door, but it just wouldn't budge. Someone must've locked it from the inside.

Another loud cry could be heard from the other side of the door, only confirming his suspicions. Donghyuck kicked and punched and threw himself against the door, trying to get it to move as his heartbeat pounding in his ears mixed with the sound of your strangled voice. And with one final kick that took all of his strength, the hinges flew off the door and it flew wide open revealing a sight that made Donghyuck want to collapse right there.

The scene playing out in front of his eyes had his stomach turning. Seeing the way your eyes were glazed over in fear at Yukhei while he held the collar of your worn out shirt in his fists. Yukhei looked angry, and his angry expression quickly turned to fear seeing Donghyuck burst through the large door. He wasn't worried knowing that school was over with the door locked, but Yukhei didn't understand how determined and protective Donghyuck would be when it came to you.

Yukhei let you go and you dropped to the ground, seeing Donghyuck standing with a clenched fist, vein popping out of his neck in sheer anger ready to explode. "How did you-"

Yukhei didn't to finish his sentence while he stumbled back at the great force Donghyuck carried behind him as he took a swing at Yukhei. He held his jaw in pain staring at the boy in pure disbelief. The two both stood staring at each other wide eyed all while Donghyuck decided if he should throw another punch or not.

But one look at your disheveled form, he'd already known his answer as his fist met Yukhei's face again, forcing him down onto the dusty floor. Yukehi was in too much shock to do anything as he continued to hold his head in pain.

Donghyuck met Yukhei on the floor as he hovered over him repeatedly throwing punch after punch with no thoughts of stopping. He couldn't stop at this rate. All the pain, confusion, anger, fear, and overall heartbreak he'd endured for over two tears now spilled out in front of him. He couldn't find a way to control himself as each punch he threw was harder than the one before, knuckles splitting from such force.

"Donghyuck!" You screamed from behind them, gaining your bearings finally. "Donghyuck stop you're hurting him!"

"No!" He just didn't care. "Look at what he did to you!" he said to himself much quieter this time, continuing to beat away at Yukhei. You cried and cried tugging on Donghyuck's arm pleadingly. He simply swatted your arm away, and you yelped in pain at the bruises that were already there. He didn't care at the moment though, for he was too busy with the task at hand.

You simply couldn't snap Donghyuck out of it. His anger controlled him right now, and all you could do back yourself against the wall with your knees tucked into your chest, tears rolling down your cheeks. The scene was all too much for you to watch, and eventually you found yourself yelling out to him, "I forgive you Donghyuck!" You screamed over and over. "I forgive you!"

Donghyuck's fist stopped just before he could strike Yukhei another time, turning his head slowy to look at your pain ridden face. You pulled Donghyuck off of Yukhei while you had the chance with the rest of the strength you could muster.

Donghyuck sat curled against the wall with his head in your chest as his body began to wrack with sobs. All you could do was hug him into you, running your hands through his hair soothingly. A slight cough emitted from Yukhei with blood trickling down the side of his mouth while Donghyuck turned to examine him, seeing the damage he did.

Donghyuck pulled away from you, sitting up against the wall running his blood covered hands over his face in distress. Slight wimpering could be heard from him while he couldn't help but stare at Yukhei. Was it pity he felt? Sadness? Guilt? He just didn't know. And suddenly he was crying.

You wrapped your arms around Donghyuck once more, feeling his fingers close around the fabric of your shirt. "I forgive you Donghyuck. I forgive you."

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