~~~   .•*•.  ~~~
We were standing in the woods by some trees.

What kind of weird training are we going to do today? I questioned myself

I was broken out of my thoughts by Kakashi-sensei,"Do you guys know what chakra is?"

"Cha-chatra?" My brother questioned.

"No CHAKRA, baka." I elbowed his arm

"Eh?! Why are you so mean to me Imouto?!" He yelled at me

"Because you're an idiot." I muttered under my breath.
I heard Kakashi-sensei chuckle.

"Well what we are going to do is this...."
Baka-I mean Kakashi-sensei said while walking up a tree.
Wait-what the heck?! You can do that?

"Ohhhhhhh YEAH!!! This sounds so cool!" I yelled while jumping up and down.
I ran toward a tree before Kakashi-sensei pulled on my collar.

"Hold on, let me explain what you are supposed to do." We walked back over to everyone else

"So you add chakra to your feet then you do this....." he walked back on the tree.

"So now can we start?" I asked impatiently while tapping my foot on the ground.

Kakabaka sighed," I guess so."

I attempted to walk up the tree but fell "Whooo! I'm gonna do- AHHHHH!!"

I landed back on my feet when I started to watch my brother and Sasuke. They were competing against each other but they were both basically neck in neck.

Wait...if you put too much chakra in your feet you will bounce off and if you don't put enough you will fall off. So I need to find out just how much chakra would be in the middle.

I imagined the chakra flow in my body and tried to imagine how much chakra would go in my feet. I started slowly taking steps up the tree.

As I got higher up I slowly started losing balance before I slipped off the tree, I marked the spot I was at with a kunai.

I landed gracefully on both of my feet. Then I started up the tree again. This time I kept the same amount of chakra in my feet the whole time not wavering at all until I realized that I was at the top of the tree.

"Hey Kakashi-sensei! I made it!" I waved at him.

I could barely hear his voice,"Well looks like who made it up first was Nayuki, the girl."

I beamed at him.

Sasuke looked really ticked of though. He would probably be able to do it soon though. And my brother look just plain proud. I should probably go help him though because maybe he doesn't know what to do.

"I guess it looks like the Uchiha clan isn't that great." Kakashi taunted Sasuke who looked like he was going to blow up.

He turned to my brother,"And it looks like Nayuki will become Hokage before you do." He teased.

That'll get them motivated. I chuckled

I jumped down from the tree and walked over to my brother.

"Hey," I whispered to him,"do you need some tips?"

"Sure but don't tell Sasuke, I need to beat that teme." He whispered back.

"Okay, so when you put chakra in your feet don't put too much or too little. Try to find the perfect amount so you can stay on the tree without falling off." I stated.

"Thanks! That'll help me a lot!" He gave me a thumbs up.

"Good luck!" I waved to the boys and I walked with Kakashi sensei to help people with building the bridge.

I walked into the house told Tsunami and left to go help with the bridge. As soon as I got there I asked what I could do to help and some of them pointed to a pile of large metal poles to carry so I put some chakra in my arms and grabbed about ten of them.

I walked over to one of the workers and tapped his shoulder," Excuse me where do you want me to put these?" I saw him physically coward backwards and shakily pointed his hand where some other workers that were hammering the metal poles.

"Okay! Thank you!" I chirped as I skipped to the other men.

~More showing off and dancing later~

I walked back to Tazuna and Tsunami's house when the sun started setting to get some dinner.


Author: Aaaand that is the end of another crappy chapter!

Sakura: This chapter is crappy just like you!

Author: Well at least I'm not as useless as a stick!.......Oh wait that is an insult to sticks at least they are better to look at!

Sakura: ...

Natsu pops out of nowhere: OH BURNED!!!

Author: Well bye!

Why Me? (Sasuke x Naruto's Sister) {Discontinued}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя