Right By My Side <333

Start from the beginning

Me- Hello?

Ma- Hey hun good news!

Me- What?

Ma- Jay'Nae is moving back down here!

Me- Realy?!!

Ma- Yeah. Do you think she could stay with you untill she gets her own place?

Me- Of course!

Ma- Okay well i gave her your number and she supposed to call you tomorrow.

Me- Okay.

Ma- How are you?

Me- Good.

Craigs POV

I havent said anything to Moi. The main reason why is cuz I should be th eone checking on her. After all she is carrying MY child. It just made me feel like she didnt need me no more. Me and Keshaun were talking about him and his school when she came in. Even though i was hurt i still smiled every time i seen her. She looked so cute pregnant.

Moi- Are you staying for dinner?

Ke- Please daddy?

Me- Yeah.

She turned and walked out the room.

Me- Why dont you pick your room a lil bit so momma dont have to.

Ke- Okay.

Me- Imma go see what momma's doin.

I walked downstairs and she was in the kitchen looking thought the pantry.

Me- I'll go pick up something.

Moi- No its okay. I'll make someth-

She stopped and leaned up aginst the counter. She through her head back and started rubbing her stomach. She looked like she was in so much pain. 

Me- You okay baby?

Moi- Yeah she just keep on kicking me. *Looks at me* Did you just call me baby?    

Me- Sorry its habit.

Moi- Its o-

She did it again. Damn i wanted to hold her so  bad but i didnt wanna make her feel weird.

Me- Yeah im going to get something. You go sit down and rest.

Moi- You sure?

Me- Yeah. Are you sure you okay?

Moi- Yeah she just kickin the shit outta me.

Me- Is there anything i can do?

Moi- No im fine.

Me- Well i'll be back.

Ke- *Runs into the room* I wanna go!

Me- Did you clean your room?

Ke- Yup.

Moi- You did what?

Ke- I cleaned my room for you momma.

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